In-text citations In-text citations – used to put important ________ information in _______________________ after a paraphrase or quote NOTE: Should NOT have more than 1/3 of your paper cited
Why Use In-Text Citations? Used within your research paper to refer readers to the source in the Works Cited – In case the reader wants to check it out! Gives credit where credit is due – *No in-text citation = __________________
In-Text Citations: Use when… ______________ an original idea from a source ________________ that is NOT “common knowledge” ________________ another person’s idea – For example, Literary criticism! ________________
In-Text Citations: MLA For MLA style, in-text citations should include: – 1. _________________ – 2. _________________ -Citation comes BEFORE the closing punctuation mark. Quotation: “Jem, like Tom, has an injured left arm and a healthy right arm. His hand turns at right angles, signifying his morally correct perspective” (Champion 234). Paraphrase: The fact that Jem’s left arm is broken demonstrates that he is a virtuous human being (Champion 234).
Set-Up Line Set-up Line – a “signal phrase” that uses the ______________ __________ to “set up” the fact/idea – If you use a set-up line = do NOT need to put the author’s name in parentheses -Direct quotation: As Laurie Champion explains, “Jem, like Tom, has an injured left arm and a healthy right arm. His hand turns at right angles, signifying his morally correct perspective (234). -Paraphrase: According to Laurie Champion, the fact that Jem’s left arm is broken demonstrates that he is a virtuous human being (234).
Your Turn 1. Grab a novel from under your desk (NOT a textbook/workbook). 2. Open your book and find a sentence that you’d like to quote. 3. Write the following on a separate sheet of paper: – A) Direct quotation with in-text citation (_______ #) – b) Paraphrase of the quotation, with in-text citation (_______ #) – c) Rewrite your paraphrase with a set-up line, and the proper citation ( # ).
In-Text Citations: MLA If you’re using an internet source that has no page numbers, such as an article, then only include the ______________________________ in the citation. Example: Adam Cohen writes in his New York Times article that, “Long before there were late-night Abdominizer infomercials, Gatsby was a fervent believer in the gospel of self-improvement” (Cohen).
In-Text Citations: Author Unknown When the author is not known, the first thing in parentheses should be the ______________ word in your entry for the source in your _________________________. – Usually the first word in the title – In quotes
In-Text Citations: Unique author cases example Paraphrase: In To Kill a Mockingbird, the court system only allows white people to be judged without bias (Shmoop Editorial Team). OR According to interpretations made by the Shmoop Editorial Team, the court system only allows white people to be judged without bias.
Indirect Sources Indirect source – a source cited within a source “_____________”= indicates the source you used Example: Ravitch argues that high schools are pressured to act as "social service centers, and they don't do that well" (qtd. in Weisman 259).
Activity 1. Get in groups of 3-4 people. 2. Each group will read an excerpt from an article. 3. As a group, construct a paragraph that cites evidence using in-text citations to support a given thesis statement. Each paragraph must have: – 5 pieces of supporting evidence 3 of these use set-up lines 2 of these use in-text citations
For further information: **Purdue Owl: MLA Formatting and Style Guide (edited 2014) ( Research and Documentation Online: 5 th edition Bedford Writing Center: Portland State University Writing Center l_3.html