1 Brian AYRES CEO, GlobalNet Inc. Development of Telecom Networks in Africa
2Media Continuing our discussion of yesterday, there are 2 main media used by telecom networks in Africa that interest us: Fiber optic cable Satellite
3 Geographical Availability Fiber optic (terrestrial) – in certain cities/countries. Fiber optic (undersea) – at coastal locations in West Africa. Satellite – everywhere. The two media are generally complementary.
4 Bandwidth availabilty New Skies Virtually none Intelsat None to Africa on certain satellites SAT-3 Currently used 20 Gbps Upgrading to 40 Gbps. 120 Gbps is the limit
5Reliability Fiber Excellent but subject to the response time of the PTT in time of outage. Satellite Excellent but subject to outages of a few minutes for a few days during eclipses twice per year. This morning’s comments on VSAT availability.
6 Developments (1) Fiber Optic Cable, undersea EASSy (NEPAD) IWTGC Fiber Optic Cable, terrestrial Rail, pipeline CBG
8 EASSy project
9IWTGC The submarine cable system will run from Portugal to Cameroon along the coast of West Africa and will link Nigeria, Benin, Liberia, Senegal, Cote d'lvoire and Ghana.
10 Developments (2) Satellite New RASCOM (2006) NSS-8 (2006)
11 RASCOM – C & Ku band
12 RASCOM – Ku band
13 RASCOM – C band
14 NSS-8 Transponders 36 x Ku-Band 56 x C-Band
15 NSS-8 C band West Hemi
16 NSS-8 Ku band spot beam
17 NSS-8 European spot
18 "TRUTH and technology will triumph over BS and bureaucracy." Rene Anselmo, founder of PanAmSat
19 Dog Spot
20Mergers Intelsat and PanAmSat Fleet of 53 satellites 28 from Intelsat, 25 from PanAmSat Good news – economy of scale Better prices§
21 Fiber Optic vs Satellite Is there a choice? Not necessarily. Maybe only satellite available – go satellite. Maybe fiber less expensive – go fiber. They are complementary.
22 Fiber Optic vs Satellite (2) Is a homogeneous network necessary? It is not even possible at the moment, unless it is satellite. Why should it be necessary? Why not use the best of fiber and satellite?
23 Fiber Optic vs Satellite (3) Pricing Is satellite more expensive than fiber? SAT-3 Fiber: $3.7 / kbps in Cameroon. Fiber pricing in other countries? Satellite pricing $2 to $6, depending on satellite, beam, etc.
24 Thank you for your attention! Brian Ayres currently based at GlobalNet Guinée