Leadership Characteristics
References Leadership in Organizations, Ann Cooper, Southwestern,2002 Right from the Start, Dan Ciampa and Michael Watkins, Harvard Business School Press, 1999 “Level 5 Leadership: The Triumph of Humility and Fierce Resolve”, Jim Collins, Harvard Business Review, 2001 “What Makes an Effective Executive”, Peter Drucker, Harvard Business Review, 2004
What is leadership? Leading people Influencing people Commanding people Guiding people Consistent, positive goals for change
Why someone is a Leader zLeader by the position achieved zLeader by personality, charisma zLeader by moral example zLeader by power held zIntellectual leader zLeader because of ability to accomplish things
Who is a Leader? zIntelligence yMore intelligent than non-leaders yScholarship yKnowledge yBeing able to get things done yAnalytical zPhysical yDoesn’t seem to be correlated
Leadership Traits zCan do attitude z Works for the benefit of all zPersistence zHumor zDependable zEnergetic zPlanner zVerbal facility yHonesty yInitiative yAggressive ySelf-confident yAmbitious yOriginality ySociability yAdaptability
Level 5 Leadership zIndividual who blends extreme personal humility with intense professional will zSelects superb successors zSubjugate own needs to achieve something more lasting and larger than themselves
Highly Capable – Productive contributions through talent, knowledge, skills, and good work habits 1 Contributing Team Member – Contributes to the achievement of group objectives; works effectively with others 2 Competent Manager – organizes people and resources toward effective and efficient uses 3 Effective Leader – Catalyzes commitments from others to pursue vision, stimulates the group to high performance standards 4 Executive – Builds enduring greatness through humility and professional will 5 Leadership Pyramid
Steps to Level 5 Leadership z First, get the right people, then figure out what needs to be done z Confront the brutal facts z Hedgehog concept z Culture of Discipline z Accelerate through technology z Small steps build momentum z Avoid the doom loop
Eight Practices z What needs to be done? z What is right for the enterprise? z Develop action plans z Take responsibility for decisions zTake responsibility for communicating zFocus on opportunities rather than problems zRun productive meetings zUse “we” rather than “I”
Roles of Leaders z Plan zCreate Momentum zEncourages others, direct others zMaster technologies of learning, visioning, and coalition building zManage oneself
Planning z Devise strategy z Set direction z Create vision z Decision maker
Create Momentum z Foundation for change yVision of how the organization will look yBuild political base to support change yModify culture to fit vision zLearn and know about company zSecuring early wins yFirst set short term goals yWhen achieved make a big deal yShould fit long term strategy
Create Momentum Build credibility Demanding but can be satisfied Accessible but not too familiar Focused but flexible Active Can make tough calls but humane
Master Technologies zLearn from internal and external sources zVisioning - develop strategy yPush vs. pull tools yWhat values does the strategy embrace? yWhat behaviors are needed?
Communicate zCommunicate the vision ySimple text- Best channels yClear meaning- Do it yourself! z Adapt you communication style z Read body language and vocal dynamics zBe sensitive to context z Put it in writing z Provide details zCultivate an atmosphere of openness
Enabling Technologies, con’t z Coalition building yDon’t ignore politics yTechnical change not enough yPolitical management isn’t same as being political yPrevent blocking coalitions yBuild political capital
Directing z Direct y Empower employees y Become the cheerleader and coach z Control yMotivate y Time/task management yConvey sense of accomplishment
Managers vs. Leaders While many activities for managers and leaders are similar, there is one big difference….. zManagers know and value the unique abilities and eccentricities of their employees. They must identify and capitalize on what is unique about each person to build a better sense of a team and interdependency. Make the most of each person’s strengths zLeaders discover what is universal and capitalize on that. They rally people toward a better future while cutting through all differences.
Manage Oneself zBe self-aware zDefine your leadership style zGet advice and counsel yAdvice is from expert to leader yCounsel is insight z Types of help yTechnical yPolitical yPersonal z Advisor traits yCompetent y Trustworthy yEnhance your status We’ll revisit this later in leadership articles and last class
7 Habits of Unsuccessful Executives z Feel they and their companies dominate their environment z They are the same as their company z They have all the answers z Ruthlessly eliminate all anyone not 100% behind them z Obsessed with image z Underestimate obstacles z Rely on what worked in the past
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