M2 Assembly and Feed Optics Ron Price August 25, 2003
M2 Assembly Functional Requirements 60 cm diameter concave reflective optical surface. M2 surface figure quality 32 nm rms after active optics correction Six degree of freedom positioning of M2 Fast tip-tilt motion of M2 Operating Conditions: –Gravity Orientations - zenith angle of 0° to 80° –Thermal Conditions – solar load and diurnal temp –Wind Loading – wind speeds up to 10 m/sec Interfaces: –Optical Support Structure (OSS) of the telescope –Secondary Mirror Lifter –Telescope Control System –Utility Service
M2 Assembly Critical Areas Several areas were identified early as exhibiting somewhat higher risk. Consequently, more time and effort has been directed into these areas to resolve the issues as much as possible. –Surface figure change and thermal control of M2 due to solar loading and diurnal temperature changes –Print-thru of substrate structure due to solar loading –Manufacturability of SiC substrate
M2 Assembly Major Components Hexapod Support Tip-Tilt Mechanism Flexure Mounts M2 Area for thermal control
M2 Blank Configuration: –Diameter: 62 cm nominal –Thickness: Central area: 75 mm Edges: taper to 30 mm –Lightweighted structure – triangular pockets with 5mm face sheet and rib thickness
M2 Environment Drives Blank Requirements Thermal Environment –Print-thru of the ribbed structured onto the optical surface due to solar load –Surface figure change due to solar load, diurnal temperature change and thermal control –Desire to have optical surface of M2 track ambient temperature Mechanical Environment –Surface figure change due to changing gravity vector –Surface figure change due to fast tip-tilt motion
Comparison of M2 Candidate Materials ρEkcνα gm/cm³10¹º W/m/KJ/kg/K-ppm/KEk/αk/ρ/cE/ρ N/m² ULE Zerodur Beryllium SiC Ek/α is a measure of resistance to bending due to thermal transients k/ρ/c is called thermal diffusivity E/ρ is referred to as specific stiffness ρ – density c – specific heat E - Elastic modulus ν – Poisson’s ratio k - thermal conductivity α – thermal expansion coefficient
M2 Thermal & Mechanical Analysis Thermal analysis of M2 is being performed to: –Quantify the level of rib structure print-thru on optical surface due to thermal gradients caused by solar loading –Evaluate the baseline cooling methods for their ability to control M2 surface temperature under solar loading and track diurnal temperature changes –Evaluate global surface figure changes Baseline cooling uses ambient temp air jets into pockets on back of M2
M2 Analysis – Finite Element Model
M2 Thermal & Mechanical Analysis - Preliminary Results Print-thru – less than 10 nm with SiC or Zerodur Tracking of ambient air temperature – within 0.9 to 1.3 deg C for SiC depending on cooling flow rates
SiC M2 Thermal Profile-no air jet under flexure M2 temperature profile for SiC substrate during peak solar load C range; 0.9 C above ambient
SiC M2 Surface Profile –no air jet under flexure Global figure change for SiC substrate during peak solar load nm P-V
SiC M2 Surface Profile – uniform air jet cooling Global figure change for SiC substrate during peak solar load - 40 nm P-V
M2 Substrate Material Although other materials have excellent performance in specific areas, silicon carbide appears to have the best overall performance in all of the required areas Further analysis will be performed, including dynamic performance under tip-tilt conditions, to confirm silicon carbide as the best substrate material Demonstrated capability by several vendors in silicon carbide at the 65 cm scale
SiC Fabrication Methods CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) - Gaseous chemicals react on a heated surface (usually graphite mandrel) to form solid SiC. Reaction Bonded SiC - SiC slurry is poured into a mold, freeze dried, sintered to form a porous SiC structure, then subjected to a high temperature process that introduces silicon and results in high density. Direct Sintered SiC- Very small SiC particles are Cold Isostatically Pressed into shape, machined, then sintered at 2500 deg C. Hot Pressed SiC - Very small SiC particles are Hot Isostatically Pressed (HIgh temp and Pressure) into shape. C/SiC - Carbon felt made of short randomly oriented carbon fibers is machined to shape. This “green body” is heated in a vacuum and infiltrated with liquid silicon; this results in a silicon carbide matrix.
M2 Blank Status Currently evaluating vendors and processes for SiC substrates –Boostec (CoorsTek USA) - Direct Sintered SiC –ECM (GE Power System Composites USA) - C/Sic –POCO Graphite - Reaction Bonded –Xinetics - Reaction Bonded Obtaining material properties and ROM cost and schedule estimates
M2 Polishing Specifications Surface Parameters –Surface Shape: Off-axis Ellipsoid –Conic Constant: K= –Radius of Curvature: -2, –Surface Roughness:20 A rms or better Preliminary specifications are being developed that meet the error budget allocation for surface figure yet allow large spatial frequency errors correctible by the active optics system
M2 Support System Functional Requirements Functional Requirements –Mirror Support - Support M2 weight and minimize surface figure changes over operational zenith angles –Mirror Defining - Control the position and orientation of M2 –Provide fast tip-tilt motion Configuration –Commercial hexapod to provide basic positioning motion –Custom Tip-Tilt mechanism will mount on hexapod to provide fast image motion compensation –M2 will attach to tip-tilt mechanism kinematically via three flexures
M2 Support System Performance Requirements Performance Requirements –Positioning Six degrees of freedom – 1 micron accuracy Range of motion: 5 to 10 mm –Tip-Tilt Amplitude: 10 arc seconds Rate: 10 hz; goal of 25 hz
Safety Restraint System Requirement - the M2 Restraint System provides protection of the primary mirror in the event of shock and vibration due to seismic activity. Configuration: safety restraints between rear of M2 structure and tip-tilt mechanism
M2 Control System Functional Requirements: Control M2 positioning system Control M2 thermal management system Control M2 fast tip-tilt system Interface to AOCS Interface to TCS
Feed Optics M4 M3 M5 M6 To coude From M2
Feed Optics M3 Flat Fold –12 cm –Heat Load: 27.2 watts M4 Concave Ellipsoid –34 cm –Heat Load: 24.5 watts M5 - Deformable Mirror Device –33 cm –Heat Load: 22.1 watts M6 Flat Fold –26 cm –Heat Load: 19.9 watts M2 Thermal and Mechanical Analysis will be extended to Feed Optics to determine optimum substrate and configuration for each optic