Freedom of Information 1 Freedom of Information - overview FOI Unit (December 2011)
Freedom of Information 2 FOI Law – overview; Main provisions of FOISA and EIRs - requests; Reviews; Appeals; Where to go for help; Scottish Government’s 6 Principles. Content
Freedom of Information 3 Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA); Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (EIRs); Requirement to pro-actively publish information through a ‘publication scheme’; Both regimes provide statutory right to access information held by Scottish public authorities; Right extends to anyone, anywhere; FOI Law - overview
Freedom of Information 4 FOISA applies to any “information recorded in any form”; EIRs apply only to “environmental information” in any “material form”; Definition of ‘environmental information’ very broad and not easy to apply – FOI Unit can advise; Both regimes retrospective – apply to all information held, no matter how old; Presumption in favour of disclosure unless FOISA exemption or EIRs exception applies; FOI Law - overview
Freedom of Information 5 Information request can go through 3 stages (each with deadlines): Request; Internal review; and Appeal to Scottish Information Commissioner (SIC), who enforces regimes; After SIC decision, only option is appeal to Court of Session on point of law. FOI Law - overview
Freedom of Information 6 Requests must be in writing or other ‘permanent’ form; Statutory deadline of 20 working days for request and review; Duty to advise and assist applicant; Information must be released unless an exemption or ‘non-starter’ applies; Main provisions of FOISA - requests
Freedom of Information 7 Non-starters, ie information not held or otherwise accessible, cost limit (£600) exceeded, or request vexatious or repeated; Requirement to explain if information not provided; 35 exemptions set out in 17 sections of FOISA (most subject to public interest test) – see exemption summary sheet); Criminal offence to alter, destroy or conceal information to prevent disclosure. Main provisions of FOISA - requests
Freedom of Information 8 Requirements/processes very similar to FOISA but there are important differences: Requests can be made orally; 20 working days can be extended to 40 where information complex and voluminous; No upper cost threshold (£600 under FOISA); Exceptions rather than exemptions (all subject to public interest test) - see exceptions summary sheet; Fewer exceptions for information on emissions. Main provisions of EIRs - requests
Freedom of Information 9 Internal Review - Overview If applicant is not satisfied with our response, they may within 40 working days require us to review our decision; Review process is independent of original decision-making process and must be able to change decision.
Freedom of Information 10 Appeals to Scottish Information Commissioner - Overview Applicant has right to appeal to Scottish Information Commissioner within 6 months of review decision (SIC can, and does, accept late appeals); SIC has wide powers to investigate; SIC decisions are binding; SIC has strong enforcement powers;
Freedom of Information 11 Appeals to Scottish Information Commissioner - Overview All appeals against decisions by the SG and agencies are handled centrally by FOI Unit; Significant input required from original request handler; Central handling helps maintain consistency, provides fresh look at case, and develops expertise in making case to SIC.
Freedom of Information 12 Where to go for help First port of call – internal FOI guidance: Step-by-Step Guides to Handling FOI/EIRs Requests & Reviews – with templates; Exemptions/exceptions summary tables; Exemptions/exceptions guidance – linked to SIC website; Working assumptions, etc; FOI Tracker Guidance, etc; FAQs;
Freedom of Information 13 Your line manager; Local FOI Lead; Your Director (who is responsible for FOI performance/support in their area); FOI Unit (in complex and sensitive cases or if legal advice is needed); Communications – if media request; Information Assurance Team (data protection). Where to go for help
Freedom of Information 14 SG’s 6 Principles “The Scottish Government: 1. Supports Freedom of Information as an essential part of open democratic government and responsive public services; 2. Operates within the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) rather than propose significant changes to it, but adjusts the regime where it is necessary and sensible to do so; 3. Publishes information proactively wherever possible; 4. Maintains the exemptions set out in FOISA in particular to protect “private space” for Ministers and others to consider advice and reach decisions; 5. Maintains effective relationships with the Scottish Information Commissioner and other key stakeholders; and 6. Creates and shares information thoughtfully with regard to the principles above.”
Freedom of Information 15 These principles mean Ministers are committed to FOI, and FOISA/EIRs are here to stay; So, we must take FOI seriously and ensure that we comply with our statutory obligations. SG’s 6 Principles
Freedom of Information 16 FOI Tracker – monitors progress of all logged requests and enables detailed reporting; Weekly update to all Ministers, SPADs, DGs, etc (new requests/reviews/appeals & overdue cases); Quarterly Statistics Bulletin (numbers & lists of requests and SG performance); and Annual Report (comprehensive details of request numbers and SG performance). Monitoring & Reporting
Freedom of Information 17 Any questions?