ESSnet STAND-PREP Work Package 2. WP2: Aim Systemise standards other than statistical methods and examine issues in the adoption of standards. Consider.


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Presentation transcript:

ESSnet STAND-PREP Work Package 2

WP2: Aim Systemise standards other than statistical methods and examine issues in the adoption of standards. Consider if the standardisation process should depend on the type of standard

Sub-tasks WP2 is organised into 3 sub-tasks: –ST1: Systematic analysis of standards other than statistical methods –ST2: definition of procedures for adoption of standards –ST3: advice on the standardisation process for the ESS

ST1: Proposed approach “Systematic analysis of standards other than statistical methods” Propose 3 stages: i.Identify relevant GSBPM sub-processes ii.Identify possible standards iii.Identify common IT tools

Illustration 2.3 Design data collection methodology Questionnaire design –Mode Self-complete –PAPI – mail survey –etc Interviewer –CAPI »Blaise »etc –CATI –Etc Etc

Discussion points 1. Thoughts on suggested approach 2. What do we mean by ‘standards other than statistical methods’? 3. Can we identify ‘types’ of standards? 4. How do we take forward ST1?

ST2: Proposed approach “Definition of procedures for adoption of standards” Provide examples of three processes: –SOC –SIC –ISO Discuss how these could be adapted for our purposes

Example 1: SOC Revision Process The Standard Occupational Classification is the National Statistics standard for classifying occupations and is revised every 10 years. The revision takes approximately 3 years to complete. A summary of the revisions process is as follows: Internal decision making (feasibility study & intension to revise placed on the NS website) Consultancy Stakeholder analysis Tenders for academic consultancy advertised & Contract awarded to IER Warwick University SOC Steering Group (set up to advise on roles, responsibilities and scope of revision)

Example 1: SOC Revision Process Academic & ONS Partnership: Investigate relationship with ISCO, NS-SEC, E-SEC and other classifications Analyse Labour market & Census data (contribute to decision making process) Stakeholder consultation: arrange focus groups for particular skill sectors liaison with other government departments & Authorities i.e. Qualifications Curriculum Authority Conduct additional research: awareness of other research ongoing in the area implications of revision for NS-SEC

Example 1: SOC Revision Process Key deliverables – publish paper copy of both volume 1 & 2 – full electronic version of the SOC 2010 index for automated coding – full electronic version of the SOC 2010 index with three SOC codes (SOC 90, 2000 and – ISCO 08 and SOC 2010 mapping – SOC 2000 & SOC 2010 Relationship table – NS-SEC rebased to SOC2010

Example 1: SOC Revision Process SOC revision managed using Prince2 methodology:  Monthly highlight report submitted and distributed to Senior Managers  Regular workshops with Contractor held  Decisions documented  Risks logged & reviewed monthly  Action & Task logs reviewed weekly  Decisions agreed jointly by the ONS and Warwick University (contractor)

Example 2: UK SIC Revision Process UK SIC is a 5 digit classification system It is required, by EU legislation, to be identical to NACE down to and including the 4 digit Class level Contains a national 5th digit level which does not exist in NACE SIC/NACE are the same as ISIC Rev4 down to the 2-digit level. Beyond this there are different combinations or code numbers

Example 2: UK SIC Revision Process The process took approximately 5 years to complete. The consultations involve many stakeholders: The National Statistical Institutes of all EU member states The European Commission In the UK, a range of government departments, the Bank of England, the devolved administrations, business and trade associations and other interested bodies European Business and Trade associations

Example 2: UK SIC Revision Process A major consultation process was launched in the UK and sought detailed proposals for the new structure and views on the broad directions in which the SIC and NACE should move. The ONS, CHU (at that time the Industrial Classifications Branch) started the consultation process using a system of co-ordinators.

Example 2: UK SIC Revision Process The Technical Subgroup of which ONS is a member met for a total of 10 week-long meetings to elaborate the details of the classification. Additional input in this process was provided through seven regional workshops. These meetings and workshops allowed countries and specialized agencies to provide additional input and also served as a way to inform them about the progress and challenges of the ISIC revision process.

Example 3: ISO Stakeholders identify requirement for standard (2001) 2. Identify lead organisation to: i.Lead initiative ii.Provide legal support iii.Provide secretarial support 3. Circulate invitations to participate 4. Working party established to draft standard (lengthy, detailed and consultative)

Example 3: ISO (continued) 5. Iterative consultation with voting process where substantial issues required clear decision 6. Final draft accepted by twenty votes to zero in February 2006

Discussion points 1. How could these processes be adapted for our purposes? 2. Where would different processes be appropriate?

ST3 “Advice on the standardisation process for the ESS” Any thoughts?