BG India’s Alignment to ERDMP (Post Emergency Issues) 28 February 2011 Colonel Deepak Bakshi, SM** (Retd)
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Our Business in India 3 BG India Upstream BG EPIL Midstream BG IES Downstream GGCL MGL Integrated gas chain player
Terms of Reference – Plan Development Aligning Existing System with ERDMP keeping in mind business related peculiarities Ensuring post emergency effectiveness to the minutest details : – Least time of response – Clear responsibilities at all levels – Real Time passage of information from start to termination Interfacing with all stakeholders before issuing final plan Ensure process for capability and capacity building in years to come – Training, Exs and facility upgrade/maintenance Ensuring incident management processes within control rooms simple but as per best practice – guidance on tools to be used for decision making, reference, logging 4
Peculiarities Network spans No of districts Gas network under expansion to rural/other urban areas Approx 4500 kms plus of pipelines (Steel and PE both) Geographical displacement between office for operational control and corporate office Domestic, commercial and industrial customers (PNG) – different interfaces for each CNG interface and distribution system different 5
6 Emergency Response Incident Management Recovery Preparedness EVENT Interlinked processes Activity Time
7 BG India System
Upgrades Plans Incident Management Plan Communication Plan basically covering media response and stakeholder management Relative Response Plan Emergency Response Plan 8 Driven and managed by one point of contact to ensure seamless integration. BCP also managed by same point of contact Facilities Central Control Rooms Media Response Rooms Relative Response Rooms Emergency Control Centres
Exercises and Training Two desktop exercises One fully simulated exercise Four training sessions for all stakeholders 9
Lessons Learnt During Complete Process Legal and commercial reps need to be part of the Emergency Response organization There is a need for one person be the SIC or any other designated OSC who needs to look inwards i.e. just managing the incident at site. There is ambiguity in this regard There is a need to provide the CIC/SIC with simple but effective tools for supporting decision making/managing the functioning of their respective teams and to train them on the use The term ECC being used at all levels creates ambiguity in communications and we need to differentiate between terminologies being used at each level Process for establishing a working relationship with mutual aid members needs further working upon and elaboration in the ERDMP 10
11 BG India System SIC CIC SIC will not be able to manage notification to authorities, prep of media statements, the emergency and the team
12 BG India System OSC CIC & SIC
Focus Sessions and Time Outs Initiate ‘time out’ Close out actions State current situation State potential impact State strategic intent Allocate actions Confirm understanding End ‘time out’ After an agreed period of time, or following receipt of significant information, the CIC/SIC will call a ‘time out’. This is the process for a ‘time out’: Once the focus session has concluded and actions have been allocated, team members act. Activity may go on in the room, but members will often need to access their networks in the wider organisation. The CIC/SIC will usually remain in the room to receive incoming information and act as a point of contact.
Decision styles 1 way (quicker) – Defined actions by Team leader check sheet – Getting into action or – For giving direction, filling time, allowing team members to start. – E.g. Identify stakeholders & mandatory communications (Agency), retrieve POB (POB), Gather information (DE) etc 2 Way, (more time consuming) – Identify issues – Assess/evaluate the impact – Define / allocate actions – E.g. response planning, big picture planning, non defined implications
Challenges Bringing down response time to a uniform level for all parts of the network What would define an Incident? – difference between routine day to day complaints and actual emergency Competency Assurance – Defining competency requirement parameters and assessing Capacity building up to third alternates Building redundancy into existing lines of communication – e.g. alternate means such as radio sets can provide dedicated communication lines with police control rooms – large gestation time for obtaining licenses 16
To Conclude A system is as Good as it Performs in a real situation 17 Stick to the basics Do not leave any grey areas – no ‘JOGARD’ or ‘HO JAYEGA’ to be accepted Detailing is extremely important however keep it simple A Good system is one which does not rely on a few Good Men but one which carries a few average men along with it
Questions? 18