that many people are saved by him. that he leaps over very tall buildings. that no one can conquer him.
that the students fled the country. that wolves howled. that Justin Bieber cried.
The results are in…
That… With the result that…
tantus talis tam ita sic so great, such great + NOUN such + NOUN so + ADV or ADJ thus, so thus, in such a way
Not all Result Clauses contain Trigger Words! e.g. The student studied hard, with the result that she aced the Latin test.
If the Main Sentence is: the Result Clause is: Present or Future Present Subjunctive Past Imperfect Subj. (Imperfect, Perfect, Pluperfect)
ut multi homines āb eo serventur. ut super aedificia altissima saltet. ut nemo eum vincere possit.
ut discipuli ē patriā fugerent. ut lupi ulularent. ut Iustinius Bieberus lacrimaret.
How do we tell the difference? With Negatives, it’s obvious: Purpose: NE Result: UT NON
How do we tell the difference? With Trigger Words, it’s obvious: Purpose: NO Trigger Words! Result: Main sentence contains: tantus, talis, tam, ita, sic
How do we tell the difference? With Positives: Purpose: “in order to” Result: “with the result that”
Discipuli magistram ceperunt, ne doceret. Discipuli magistrae pecuniam dederunt, ut laborem non acciperent.
Discipuli Graeciam eunt, ut Parthenon videant. Discipuli tam magni sunt, ut magistra felicissima sit. Discipuli studebant, ut bene in ludo facerent.