Royal High Institute for Defence 16 Feb 2011Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 1 Annual meeting NATO/RTO - EDA/R&T IAP 2 Thierry Gérard, Ir, Cdt 16 February.


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Presentation transcript:

Royal High Institute for Defence 16 Feb 2011Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 1 Annual meeting NATO/RTO - EDA/R&T IAP 2 Thierry Gérard, Ir, Cdt 16 February 2011 RHID/ RSTD

Royal High Institute for Defence 16 Feb 2011Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 2 Agenda -IAP 2 -Projects -Completed -Ongoing -In preparation -Future SCB sur M113 - BELKOS - NSE BELHELI TPS-79 3-D Tactical Air Surveillance Radar - Lockheed Martin AN APG67_Multimode radar - Lockheed Martin

Royal High Institute for Defence 16 Feb 2011Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 3 IAP 2 : ORGANISATION -« RF sensor systems & signal processing » -Members -(HU) Moderator : Attila SIMON, EDA (out in Mar 11) -(BE) CNC : Thierry GERARD, IRSD -(BE) CGE : Marijke VANDEWAL, RMA/CISS -Meetings -Mostly in BE, 3 à 4/year -Depend on the CapTech WoW -pMS (11) : BE, DE, ES, FI, FR, IT, NL, SE, UK, CZ, PL -Major cMS (6) : CZ, FR, IT, NL, SE, UK -Reporting / presence -To be stressed & improved

Royal High Institute for Defence 16 Feb 2011Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 4 PROJECTS -BE : not yet involved -Type : -Cat B, 2 to 7 cMS, 0,3 up to 25 M€ -OB : ±1/year -Content: radar oriented -Characteristics : -Low interaction with BE civil industries -R&T limits vague : -Systems vs components : IAP1 -Technology vs functionality : IAP3 (optics) & IAP4 (CIS (-networks) -Impact for/work of R&T excellence centers (EC) -Get informed on possible future partnerships -Get some results / feedback from other EC -Give advice to EDA and work as experts more focused on realistic R&T approaches -Propose new R&T agenda / projects

Royal High Institute for Defence 16 Feb 2011Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 5 PROJECTS -Completed -OB – ERIT (Enhanced Radar Imaging Techniques) ☞ Final report on 25 Feb 11 – Rep Dept CISS expected  Main topic : set of algorithms to produce HR images with H PRF Doppler radar (with target/sensor : H velocity/fast accelerations) -SMRF*/B - SIMPLE (SMRF Implementation) -Define critical interfaces to fit a scalability concept (design, Sp,…) : ended in Nov 10. -B – COMARMS (EW Common Modular Architecture for Mission Simulation) -Which model/simulation environment in pMS, what for, background to develop commonalities *SMRF : Scalable Multi-Function RF System (10 years) SR/HR : Super/High Resolution

Royal High Institute for Defence Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 616 Feb 2011Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 6 PROJECTS -Ongoing -B/ITP* – SIMCLAIRS (Studies for Integrated Multifunction Compact Lightweight Airborne Radars and Systems) wrt Lt UAV RF payloads in ISTAR package ☞ Perhaps interesting for RMA/MECA/MFTA if further research (Tz : Apr 13) ☞ Could be a project shared with IAP1 (TB coordinated by EDA) -B – TELLUS (Technology Enablers for Light & Low cost Urban RF Systems) -Focused on radar & ESM systems -B – SPREWS (Signal Processing for Radar and EW Systems)  New technologies/algorithms developments to better perform in radar/Tx/ target acquisition (D/R/I/L) *ITP : Innovation & Technology Partnership

Royal High Institute for Defence PROJECTS -Ongoing -B - FARADAYS (Frequency Allocation for Radars in the Coming Years) -Possible output to BE : radars’ frequency features if not classified ! -OB - ASAR (Adaptative Self-Learning and Anticipative Radar) (1 year contract) ☞ KO : 13 Jan 11 - intermediate results : 15 Jun 11, EDA ☞ Some interesting WP’s for SIC-03 (SD Radar with GPU) if continued !?!

Royal High Institute for Defence PROJECTS -In preparation ( ☞ RFI, ideas) -AMBASSADOR (Advanced Model-Based Approach to SMRF * Specification, Analysis Development and Obsolescence Reduction) : -Simulation framework, postponed in SMRF (umbrella program) : -New projects, by 2013, based on SIMPLE & AMBASSADOR results. -DAVAC (Deformable and Vibrating Antenna Compensation) -Start Jun 11 (TBC) -RF Bio (Radio Frequency Biological effects) : ☞ No BE follow-up possible (HFM/WB02) *SMRF : Scalable Multi-Function RF System

Royal High Institute for Defence PROJECTS -In preparation ( ☞ RFI, ideas) - ERIT – follow-up : - Test, develop, use 2/3D SR ISAR algo for NCTR* ☞ OB – RIBA (Radar technologies for Inside Building situation awareness) : planned in Nov/Dec OB – Miniature radar systems for defence applications : by OB – High Power Microwave (HPM) multipurpose grenades and bombs : by 2013 *NCTR : Non Cooperative Target Reconnaissance

Royal High Institute for Defence PROJECTS -In preparation ( ☞ RFI, ideas) - B – NEMESIS (Naval Environment Modelling & Electromagnetic Signature of Surface Targets for Improved Simulators) : - Follow-up (phase I ended in May 10) ☞ Complementary to MRN12 on « Dynamic stealthness », i.e radar part of the study -Phase II (design, devpt, implementation) : by Current cMS : FR, NL. - Multimode 3D Abn µSAR system : two phases φ 1 : BB architecture φ 2 : design/analysis/prototype/test on UAV - MIHO * : ☞ complementary to MRN13 - STAP ** **MIHO : Microdoppler ISAR imaging of human beings for Hidden Object detection ***STAP : Space-Time Adaptative Processing (based on results of SPREWS)

Royal High Institute for Defence PROJECTS -R&T goals : ☞ no input from (BE) MoD R&T EC -Long range, persistent, high resolution Abn/UAS RF sensors -Low frequency radars for pervasive surveillance: Through the wall radars for security and defense applications Foliage penetrating radars Stand-Off Ground penetrating radars for in-route threat detection Wire controlled IEDs -THz technologies for detection of hidden weapons and improvised explosive devices -Sensors networks -Miniature sensors -Adaptative, self-learning and anticipative radar -Bi- and multi-static approaches to enhance Situational Awareness and to reduce EM emissions in radar applications -Non-Cooperative target identification

Royal High Institute for Defence 16 Feb 2011Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 12 Future -Next meetings - 06 Apr, 17 Jun in EDA, BRUSSELS - 29 Sep : in EDA, BRUSSELS (TBC) -SRA : collaborative tool (not yet published) to : -Better coordinate the work between the IAP’s -Better meet & watch industrial technology expectations ☞ Input : -« EU capability assessment study against different scenarios », from EDA capability directorate/PT « ISR », begin 12. SRA : Strategic Research Agenda

Royal High Institute for Defence 16 Feb 2011Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 13