CM4120 Chemical Plant Operations Lab Safety Program PAWS program will provide structure for safety program entire class is responsible for safe environment everyone will have a turn with a specific safety responsibility will have 2 safety meetings with entire class 2/24/06 4/21/06
CM4120 Chemical Plant Operations Lab Safety Program What is the same: 1 (or 2) from each team will coordinate safety for the assigned project Safety meetings will cover: New PAWS reports Follow-up on open PAWS Review of SIC Possible report on special safety topic Safety meetings will be on Friday
CM4120 Chemical Plant Operations Lab Safety Program What is different from CM4110: No lab groups, project teams will change mid- semester Team size may vary from 3 to about 8 Lab will be inspected by 9:00 AM every week, not just lab weeks, starting 1/24/06 Lab activities in UO Lab area, including B003 and B003A
CM4120 Chemical Plant Operations Lab Safety Program General Lab Safety – Proper apparel UO Lab areas – long pants non-porous, over-the-ankle safety shoes when operating equipment safety glasses w/ side shields hardhat in designated areas use goggles, gloves, face shield, apron for hazardous chemicals – all areas
CM4120 Chemical Plant Operations Lab Safety Program Solvent Recovery Safety Ethanol/water/steam Process stream sampling Flammable/hot material handling N 2 safety Remote operations – valves moving, motors start/stop from control room, but w/ personnel on plant floor
CM4120 Chemical Plant Operations Lab Safety Program PDMS Pilot Plant Safety Silicone fluids/steam/KOH/toluene Process stream sampling Hot/silicone/caustic material handling N 2 safety Remote operations – valves moving, motors start/stop from control room, but w/ personnel on plant floor
CM4120 Chemical Plant Operations Lab Safety Program Special Safety Project: Cycle II – 2 or 3 students with a specific interest in the safety program Thorough review of the PAWS program: Tabulate, analyze, and report on all PAWS reports and safety incidents for ABET Conduct a lab safety practical Update PAWS tracking website Compile input from PAWS program Recommend improvements for next year
CM4120 Chemical Plant Operations Lab Safety Program Bioreactor Safety HCl/NaOH/O 2 /N 2 /steam (autoclaving) Level 1 Biohazard (p. 10 & 11 Safety Manual) Unattended equipment operations (see CM Dept. Safety Manual)