Deb Koester Joseph Thomas Sudeshna Paul Bruce Craig Michael Weiner Laura Sands Healthcare Utilization in Preschool-Age Children
5 year olds in 2003, 2004 the 18-month period before September 1 st well-child visits compare utilization among those with and without well child visits Indiana Medicaid data continuous enrollment not in a managed care organization Healthcare Utilization in Preschool-Age Children
5 year olds in 2003, 2004 the 18-month period before September 1 st well-child visits compare utilization among those with and without well child visits Indiana Medicaid data continuous enrollment not in a managed care organization Healthcare Utilization in Preschool-Age Children N = 9618
PS E yes no 14,876 Erythromycin and Pyloric Stenosis
Dx’s = pyloric stenosis Pyloric stenosis
Dx’s = pyloric stenosis ICD9 = Pyloric stenosis
Dx’s = pyloric stenosis ICD9 = ICD9 = Pyloric stenosis
Dx’s = pyloric stenosis ICD9 = ICD9 = Radiology Pyloric stenosis
Dx’s = pyloric stenosis ICD9 = ICD9 = Radiology Transfers to Riley? Pyloric stenosis
Dx’s = pyloric stenosis ICD9 = ICD9 = Radiology Transfers to Riley? Riley Pyloric stenosis
Dx’s = pyloric stenosis ICD9 = ICD9 = Radiology Transfers to Riley? Riley Text Reports Discharge Summaries Op Notes** Pyloric stenosis
Electronic data Confirmed true Rx by reviewing infants’ medical records Macrolide prescriptions
421 Pharmacy ordered
33982 Pharmacy ordered trans- action
Pharmacy ordered trans- action the “outpatient” MRF
Pharmacy ordered the “outpatient” MRF the old “lab” MRF trans- action
Exposure to Erythromycin 483 patients were identified Upon review of all 483 in Inquiry, 14 (3%) were removed from drug group ordered and then d/c’d immediately (8) “250 mg tabs” (6) 469 patients in the exposure group
Infant systemic erythromycin Pyloric Stenosis Erythromycin RR =4.98 (2.11, 11.74) ,37014, yes no 43 14,833 (1.28%) (0.26%)
Age at Rx Infant systemic erythromycin #infants with PS #infants with Rx #infants with PS #infants without Rx RR <3 months 1.28% (6/469) 0.26% (38/14,407) 4.98 (2.1, 11.7)
Age at Rx Infant systemic erythromycin #infants with PS #infants with Rx #infants with PS #infants without Rx RR <2 weeks <3 months 2.65% (6/226) 1.28% (6/469) 0.25% (37/14,650) 0.26% (38/14,407) (4.5, 24.7) 4.98 (2.1, 11.7)
Mapping Children’s Injuries
ICD9 Codes and E Codes Chief Complaint Data Address Data
Chief Complaints “SICK” “sick”
Wishard Chief Complaints
Chief Complaints “SICK” “sick” “SICK’” “SICK’;” “SICK” “SICK AS 3 DOGS” “SICKO” “SIDK” “SIICK” “SIKC” “SIKCK” “SIC”
Wishard Chief Complaints
Estimate the N with ________ Quick Checks, and Discussion of Feasibility Generate a List for Chart Review Generate a List for Recruitment (e.g., by ResNet) Help Investigators with their own databases Full Retrospective Study Aggregate Data Individual-Level Analytic Data Set Deidentified Limited Identified Types of Projects
Estimate the N with ________ Quick Checks, and Discussion of Feasibility N of patients with coronary artery disease in 2006, and ≥ 1 visit to an IUMG primary care medicine clinic Types of Projects
Estimate the N with ________ Quick Checks, and Discussion of Feasibility Generate a List for Chart Review Patients with HIV and other criteria Types of Projects
Estimate the N with ________ Quick Checks, and Discussion of Feasibility Generate a List for Chart Review Generate a List for Recruitment Patients > 50 years old in IUMG primary care medicine Types of Projects
Estimate the N with ________ Quick Checks, and Discussion of Feasibility Generate a List for Chart Review Generate a List for Recruitment (e.g., by ResNet) Help Investigators with their own databases setting up forms for data entry into Microsoft Access Types of Projects
Full Retrospective Study Types of Projects
RMRS INPC Hospitals Wishard Clarian Community St. Francis St. Vincent a growing list… Medicaid etc. Data Sources Existing
RMRS INPC Hospitals Wishard Clarian Community St. Francis St. Vincent a growing list… Medicaid etc. Data Sources Existing Global ID
RMRS INPC Hospitals Wishard Clarian Community St. Francis St. Vincent a growing list… Medicaid etc. Data Sources Existing you can bring us data you’ve collected &/or we can help you build a database New Global ID
Lab Results Imaging Studies Orders Visits: Inpatient, ER, and Outpatient Rx Age, Sex, Race Insurance status at check-in Text Reports, e.g. Discharge Summaries Op Notes Charges Types of Electronic Data
The Data are a Work-in-Progress Shaped by the Real World clinical and billing considerations work flows interfaces History Shelf Life Need for Triangulation scrutiny >1 method written charts Perspectives About the Data
IRB Other Permissions Price Tag Contact Information Marc Rosenman Logistics