ALI139 – Arabic Grammar I Week 8
Outline ( الأعْدَاد ) Counting Numbers and Number Agreement for Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers. ( الأعْدَاد ) Counting Numbers and Number Agreement for Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers. Negation ( النَفِي ) Negation ( النَفِي ) Revision Revision
Qur’anic Language Made Easy Hafiza Iffath Hasan Review of Lesson 3.16 (p ) Numbers in Arabic Numbers in Arabic ( الأعْدَاد ) Ordinal Numbers (p. 335)
Numbers In Arabic, the numbers 3-10 form a group with the following characteristics: In Arabic, the numbers 3-10 form a group with the following characteristics: For cardinal numbers, the feminine ending ة marks the masculine form For cardinal numbers, the feminine ending ة marks the masculine form The noun after the number is written in plural The noun after the number is written in plural
Counting 1 The number ة / واحد is not used as a number in counting objects. To express the quantity of one, the noun is used alone e.g. مدرسة (a school = one school) or بنت (a girl = one girl). The number ة / واحد is not used as a number in counting objects. To express the quantity of one, the noun is used alone e.g. مدرسة (a school = one school) or بنت (a girl = one girl). ة / واحد may only be used as an adjective to emphasize one and one only e.g. ة / واحد may only be used as an adjective to emphasize one and one only e.g. فقط واحدة صديقة عندي فقط واحد دولار معي In this case, like all adjectives, ة / واحد must agree with and follow the noun. In this case, like all adjectives, ة / واحد must agree with and follow the noun.
Counting 2 The number اثنَين / اثنان is also not used to count objects. To express the quantity two, you must add the ending َ يْن / ان to the singular noun. This is called the dual or المُُثََنّى The number اثنَين / اثنان is also not used to count objects. To express the quantity two, you must add the ending َ يْن / ان to the singular noun. This is called the dual or المُُثََنّى E.g. E.g. كتابَيْن / كتابان كتاب صديقتَيْن / صديقتان صديقة How would you say, “Two men”, “Two cars” and “Two universities”? How would you say, “Two men”, “Two cars” and “Two universities”?
Ordinal Numbers ( الترتيبية الأعداد ) الترتيبي العدد العدد الأولى / الأوّل ة / واحد ة / الثانِي اثنَين / اثنان ة / الثّالِث ة / ثلاث ة / الرّابِع ة / أربَع ة / الخامِس ة / خَمس ة / السّادِس ة / سِتّ ة / السَّابِع ة / سَبع ة / الثَّامِن ة / ثَماني ة / التّاسِع ة / تِسع ة / العاشِر عشَرة / عشْر In speech, the default for saying the numbers is:واحداثنَين ة And then the masculine of all numbers i.e. with ة In formal speech and written Arabic, the time is told using ordinal numbers. In spoken Arabic, the cardinal numbers are used to tell the time.
Negation ( النَفِي ) The most common particle for negation (to express “not”) is لا. When لا is followed by a verb, the verb is always in the present tense and gives the meaning of “does not” or “is not” e.g. يَكتُبُ means “he is writing” or “he writes”. يَكتُبُ لا means “he is not writing” or “he does not write.” The most common particle for negation (to express “not”) is لا. When لا is followed by a verb, the verb is always in the present tense and gives the meaning of “does not” or “is not” e.g. يَكتُبُ means “he is writing” or “he writes”. يَكتُبُ لا means “he is not writing” or “he does not write.” To express the future (i.e. “he will not write”), the particle لَنْ is used with the verb in the present tense. There are additional rules around the verb not covered in this level. To express the future (i.e. “he will not write”), the particle لَنْ is used with the verb in the present tense. There are additional rules around the verb not covered in this level. To express the past, (i.e. “he did not write”), the particle لَمْ is used with the verb in the present tense. There are additional rules around the verb not covered in this level. To express the past, (i.e. “he did not write”), the particle لَمْ is used with the verb in the present tense. There are additional rules around the verb not covered in this level. Negation in the past, can also be expressed with مَا but the verb must be conjugated in the past tense i.e. كَتَب مَا. This ( مَا + الماضي ) is more common is spoken Arabic. لَمْ + المضارع is more common in formal, written Arabic. But they give the same meaning. Negation in the past, can also be expressed with مَا but the verb must be conjugated in the past tense i.e. كَتَب مَا. This ( مَا + الماضي ) is more common is spoken Arabic. لَمْ + المضارع is more common in formal, written Arabic. But they give the same meaning. The verb لَيْسَ is also used to express negation but not covered in this level of the course. The verb لَيْسَ is also used to express negation but not covered in this level of the course.
Qur’anic Language Made Easy Hafiza Iffath Hasan Review of Lesson 2.5 (p. 121) And Lesson 3.15 (p. 325) Negation Negation ( النَفِي )