Census in the Constitution Article I, Section 2 … Representatives... shall be apportioned among the several states... according to their respective numbers. … The actual enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent term of ten years...
What is a Census? A census counts everyone or thing. The US Census counts everyone residing in the US.
Is it hard to count?
This Classroom Have someone stand up front and count. Look at the teacher's roster. Is anyone absent? Has anyone moved? For what day do we want the count?
Stratford Going door to door Is there a list of residences? Does everyone have a residence? Will someone be home at every residence to answer our questions? Can we do the counting in one day?
United States of America For people who have an address, the Census Bureau will send out a form in March. Census Day is April 1 st. Residents fill in who was residing at their address on April 1 st and send the form back to the government.
United States of America For people who do not send in the form or who have no address, the Census Bureau will send someone out to count them. Sending someone out is much more expensive and costs all of us, since the Census is paid for with our taxes.
Conclusion The Census is important. The Census determines how much representation we get in Congress and was mandated, when this country was formed, by our founding fathers and mothers. Counting everyone is hard and the Census is expensive. Anything we can do to keep costs down helps us all.