Increasing Accessibility to Algebra & Geometry for ALL Students MASSACHUSETTS SUMMER INSTITUTE
For almost 10 years, we’ve been offering this institute, mostly in the central part of the state teachers have participated.
And in 2010, working with the DESE, the DSACs and with UMASS Medical RSRC, we offered 4 more Institutes.
Audience Who should Participate? Teachers, specialists & administrators of students in grades 5-10 who support ALL Math Learners: General education Special education English Language Learners Gifted & talented
Institute Schedule The Institute meets during the summer for 7 days (usually from 8:30 to 3:00). There will also be 1 follow-up session (2-3 hours) in the fall. Summer 2011 Session Dates and Fall Follow-Up Date to be announced
Balance between Content and Pedagogy
Institute Requirements Attendance: Attend all summer sessions & the fall follow-up session. Homework: Read & reflect on provided course materials. Project: Create & implement a 5-10 day unit incorporating institute strategies. Fulfillment of requirements earns participants 67.5 PDP’s
Graduate Credit (Optional) Fitchburg State University Summer 2010 Cost:$255 for 3 grad credits (at participant’s own expense) 2010 Syllabus & Grad Credit Requirements available at: Summer 2011: Specific Info to Follow
Resources Provided to Institute Participants Graphing Calculator Communication Tools Differentiation and Assessment Books
Big Ideas in Algebra Multiple Representations Patterns Linear relationships Rate of change (slope)
Big Ideas in Geometry Multiple Representations 2-D, 3-D shape properties Transformations Area Emphasis on Vocabulary
Big Ideas in Pedagogy Build on students’ prior knowledge Use active hand-on learning (manipulatives, math labs, stations…) Differentiate instruction by using open questions and parallel tasks
Big Ideas in Assessment Use formative assessment to help students and the teacher throughout the instruction process. Match summative assessment to instructional practices. Vary assessment to allow students opportunities to show what they know/can do.
SORTS Sorting, Classifying & Matching Positive Slope Negative Slope Neither pos/neg slope
WEBS Brainstorming & Reviewing CONCEPT SPLASHES Brainstorming & Reviewing
ALGEBRA LAB Barbie Bungee Discovering Linear Relationships GEOMETRY LAB It’s in the Bag Properties of 2-D and 3-D Shapes
LEARNING STATIONS L-I-N-E-A-R Differentiating Instruction
Counting square units Using a formula Approximating area of irregular shapes Using integration to find area with calculus
In the fall, the final session will be held. Participants will present and submit their projects. Participant-created organizers will be uploaded to the UMASS RSRC web site. PDP’s or Graduate Credit awarded after this session. Follow-Up Session
CONTACT INFORMATION For registration information for the Increasing Accessibility Institute, contact your region’s DSAC. For further information about the graduate credit option, please contact Carol Hynes: