ERTRAC National Platforms Workshop KTI Institute for Transport Sciences Non Profit Ltd. Road Safety and Traffic Engineering Division Head of Division: Prof. Dr. Péter Holló
ERTRAC National Platforms Workshop MAIN TASKS – International Organizations: Representation of the Ministry of Transport, Telecommunication and Energy in international organizations. UNECE Working Party on Road Traffic Safety (WP.1) Joint Transport Research Centre of the OECD and the International Transport Forum (OECD/OTF) International Road and Traffic Accident Database (IRTAD) Forum of European Road Safety Research Institutes (FERSI) World Road Association (PIARC) Participation in EU R&D Framework Programmes: RIPCORD-ISEREST, IN-SAFETY, SafetyNet, Improver, ROSE-25, SARTRE, Supreme, ROSEBUD MAIN TASKS – International Organizations: Representation of the Ministry of Transport, Telecommunication and Energy in international organizations. UNECE Working Party on Road Traffic Safety (WP.1) Joint Transport Research Centre of the OECD and the International Transport Forum (OECD/OTF) International Road and Traffic Accident Database (IRTAD) Forum of European Road Safety Research Institutes (FERSI) World Road Association (PIARC) Participation in EU R&D Framework Programmes: RIPCORD-ISEREST, IN-SAFETY, SafetyNet, Improver, ROSE-25, SARTRE, Supreme, ROSEBUD
ERTRAC National Platforms Workshop MAIN TASKS - Legislation Scientific establishment of the decision-making process in the field of road safety Preparation and implementation of tasks of the Ministry of Transport, Telecommunication and Energy in international organizations Elaboration of technical and planning standards in the field of road safety and traffic engineering − Introduction of RSA in Hungary − Risk ranking of railway crossings − Technical guidelines, standards (roundabouts, railway crossings, traffic calming) − Introduction of automatic speed control and enforcement − MAIN TASKS - Legislation Scientific establishment of the decision-making process in the field of road safety Preparation and implementation of tasks of the Ministry of Transport, Telecommunication and Energy in international organizations Elaboration of technical and planning standards in the field of road safety and traffic engineering − Introduction of RSA in Hungary − Risk ranking of railway crossings − Technical guidelines, standards (roundabouts, railway crossings, traffic calming) − Introduction of automatic speed control and enforcement −
ERTRAC National Platforms Workshop MAIN TASKS – Analysis of traffic flows Analyses based on traffic conflict techniques RSA, RSI (Road safety audit, inspection) Traffic counting and analysis Safety improvement in roundabouts and railway crossings Speed measurements and analyses Analysis of overtaking processes MAIN TASKS – Analysis of traffic flows Analyses based on traffic conflict techniques RSA, RSI (Road safety audit, inspection) Traffic counting and analysis Safety improvement in roundabouts and railway crossings Speed measurements and analyses Analysis of overtaking processes
ERTRAC National Platforms Workshop ROAD SAFETY TARGETS
ERTRAC National Platforms Workshop INTERNATIONAL COMPARISON Change in the number of road accident fatalities (%) between 2001 and 2006
ERTRAC National Platforms Workshop INTERNATIONAL COMPARISON biggest improvement Target: 50% reduction in the number of road accident fatalities by the year 2010.
ERTRAC National Platforms Workshop ONE OF THE BASIC MODELS The “power model” (G. Nilsson)
ERTRAC National Platforms Workshop MAIN RESULTS Number of road accident fatalities outside built-up areas
ERTRAC National Platforms Workshop MAIN RESULTS
ERTRAC National Platforms Workshop THE EQUIPMENT FÁMALASER II, laser speed and distance measurement device MUVITAS, built-in speed and distance measurement device video camera, column for observation from the high VIVATRAFFIC, software for conflict evaluation soft wares for traffic engineering analyses THE EQUIPMENT FÁMALASER II, laser speed and distance measurement device MUVITAS, built-in speed and distance measurement device video camera, column for observation from the high VIVATRAFFIC, software for conflict evaluation soft wares for traffic engineering analyses
ERTRAC National Platforms Workshop The staff Prof. Dr. Péter Holló - Head of Division Tel.: Colleagues: Tamás Berta, scientific assistant Dr. Imre Büki, scientific counsellor Mária Cseffalvay, scientific co-worker Miklós Gábor, scientific co-worker János Gyarmati, senior researcher Erzsébet Hóz, senior researcher Gábor Weidinger, scientific assistant