3 rd Mobility Norway May 2014 AUSTRIA
3 rd Grade Multiplication and oral training in English Very positive to use different learning strategies for learning in different ways. With four different activities it was very motivating for the pupils. Also the rewards system is a good motivator. Take home: English in a small group is a good way to practice the communication.
To devide the pupils in three groups is very positive because of working in small groups. Three different activities like movements and picture guessing in English, counting with glass pearls in Mathematics and walking around the classroom to find the correct task. So the pupils need to use their social, kinesthetic, and linguistic intelligence. Take home- stones in different colours with values of numbers from 10 to doing sentences together in pairs is also a good way to practice 1st Grade English, Mathematics and Norwegian
7 th Grade English- language Working with smart board was very visual and to understand the text and categorize pictures to the text was very helpful. The group work worked very well and students talked a very well English. Take home- work with smart board
2 nd Grade English and Norwegian lesson Working with the smart board, singing a song and working with flash card helped the pupils to understand the words easily. A mind map on the board to help them write a story is a good methodic.