The Valle del Cauca shield takes the French form in honor of the French revolution that inspired the Independence. The shield is divided in two quarters, where the upper one shows a green valley with its river, Blue Mountains in the background, two palm trees and five golden cities.
The Valle del Cauca flag is the principle official symbol of the Colombian Department of Valle del Cauca and was adopted on July 26 of It is compose by two stripes landscape of the same size, light-blue and white colors, surrounded by a silver border that means: light-blue: frankness, honesty, sincerity and loyalty. White: peace, beautiful, purity. Silver: Integrity, obedience, inocens.
Valle del Cauca, is a department of Colombia. It is in the western side of the country, facing the Pacific Ocean. It is considered one of the most important departments in the Republic of Colombia. Its capital is Santiago de Cali.
The department of Valle del Cauca is located in the western part of the country. It borders the departments of Risaralda and Quindío to the north, Cauca to the south, Tolima, and Chocó and the Pacific Ocean to the west.
Besides Cali such cities as Buenaventura, Cartago and Tulua have great economic, political, social and cultural influence on the department's life. Valle del Cauca has the largest number of independent towns with over 100,000 inhabitants in the country, counting six within its borders.