Imperial China Collapses Ch. 14.3 After the fall of the Qing dynasty, nationalist and Communist movements struggle for power. Opium Wars
The Qing Dynasty last ruling dynasty of China from 1644 to 1912 Chinese Dynasties date back 4,000 years The following is a list of Chinese Dynasties: Xia Dynasty About 1994 BCE - 1766 BCE Shang Dynasty 1766 BCE - 1027 BCE Zhou Dynasty 1122 BCE -256 BCE plus suppliment Qin Dynasty 221 BCE - 206 BCE Early Han Dynasty 206 BCE - 9 AD Xin Dynasty 9 AD - 24 AD Later Han Dynasty 25 AD - 220 AD Three Kingdoms - Period of Disunion 220 AD - 280 AD Sui Dynasty 589 AD - 618 AD Tang Dynasty 618 AD - 907 AD Sung Dynasty 969 AD - 1279 AD Yuan Dyansty 1279 AD - 1368 AD Ming Dynasty 1368 AD - 1644 AD Manchu or Qing Dynasty 1644 AD - 1912 AD
Nationalists Overthrow Qing Dynasty A New Power In the early 1900s (20th century), many Chinese wanted change in China. - They resented foreign nations control of China (Imperialists) - Many Chinese wanted to modernize China Kuomintang—Nationalist Party of China—calls for modernization & an end to foreign control Sun Yixian—first great leader of Nationalist Party In 1911, Sun Yixian led the Nationalists & overthrow Qing dynasty
Shaky Start for the New Republic In 1912, Sun takes control as president Backs three principles: 1. nationalism 2. democracy 3. economic security Sun did not have the backing of the military, so Sun turns the presidency over to Yuan Shikai Yuan Shikai betrays to democratic ideals of the revolution. No national agreement on rule; civil war breaks out in 1916 Warlords take control of territories as large as their armies could conquer
Nationalists Overthrow Qing Dynasty World War I Spells More Problems China enters war against Germany hoping to gain land held by Germans Treaty of Versailles gives German colonies in China to Japan On May 4, 1919, angry students protest this agreement May Fourth Movement—nationalist movement that spreads across China Many young nationalists turn against Sun Yixian
The Communist Party in China Rise of a New Leader Mao Zedong—helps form Chinese Communist Party in 1921 Lenin Befriends China In 1923, Lenin helps Nationalists, who agree to work with Communists Peasants Align with the Communists Jiang Jieshi (Chang Kai Shek)—Nationalist leader (Kuomintang) after Sun dies—opposes communism Peasants see no gain for them in Jiang’s plans, they back Communists
The Communist Party in China Nationalists and Communists Clash In 1927, Nationalists kill Communists, unionists in Shanghai In 1928, Jiang becomes president; Communists resist his rule Civil War Rages in China between _________? Hostility Becomes War By 1930, civil war rages; Mao recruits a peasant, guerrilla army
Civil War Rages in China The Long March In 1933, Jiang’s huge army surrounds outnumbered Communists Long March—Communists’ 6,000-mile journey to safety in north Of 100,000 Communists, 7,000 or 8,000 survive the march, including Mao Civil War Suspended Seeing chaos in China, Japan launches all-out invasion in 1937 Nationalists and Communists join together to fight Japan *footnote: after WWII (1945), Communists and Nationalists resume their fighting. - In 1949, China becomes a Communist nation
The Communists Transform China Communists Claim a New “Mandate of Heaven” Chinese Communists organize national government and Communist Party Mao’s Brand of Marxist Socialism Mao takes property from landowners and divides it among peasants Government seizes private companies and plans production increase “Little Red Book” was published by the Government of the People’s Republic of China from April 1964 until approximately 1976. As its title implies, it is a collection of quotations excerpted from Mao’s past speeches and publications