{ Nationalism Threatens Old Empires 22.4
In 1800, the Hapsburgs ruled over a multinational empire and were the oldest ruling family in Europe. Emperor Francis I and his foreign minister Metternich held on to their conservative views despite liberal opposition. By the 1840s industrial growth and the social problems associated with threatened the old order. Francis Joseph took the throne and made some reforms which included adopting a constitution. The resulting government catered to Austrians and angered other national groups. The Hapsburg Empire Declines
Francis Joseph
Austria’s defeat in their 1866 war with Prussia finally caused change to occur. A moderate Austrian named Ferenc Deak worked out a deal that led to a Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary. This agreement created 2 separate nations with their own constitutions and parliament. Francis Joseph was ruler of both nations. Slavic groups were upset because they sought a nation of their own. By 1900 the Austria-Hungarian government was overwhelmed by the Slavs’ nationalist goals. Formation of the Dual Monarchy
Ferenc Deak
The Ottoman Empire included lands in Eastern Europe, the Balkans, North Africa and the Middle East. Several nationalist groups were able to establish their own independent states, yet others were protesting for the same opportunity. Conflict within the empire caused other European nations to attempt to take over Ottoman lands. All the resulting wars led to the area to be known as the “Balkan powder keg”. The Ottoman Empire Collapses