IndiaChinaJapanVocabulary People
What was Mohandas Gandhi’s nickname? What was Mahatma or“ Great Soul”.
What American philosopher influenced Ghandi? Who was Henry David Thoreau?
What country or state means land of the pure? What is Pakistan.
What two religions clashed in India after Indian independence? What was Hindu and Islam.
This was the political party that led the fight in expelling the British from India, and led by Jawaharlal Nehru. What was the Indian National Congress.
This was a student revolt and protest against Japanese goods in China. What was the May Fourth Movement.
This person took over the government after Sun Yixian’s resigned. Who was the warlord Yuan Shikai.
What European country helped the nationalist Chinese against the warlords and Japanese? What was Russia or the Soviet Union.
He took over the Guomindang after the death of Sun Yixian. Who was Jiang Jieshi or Chiang Kai Shek.
He organized large peasant masses against the nationalist government of China. Who was Mao Zedong.
This is the name of the Japanese parliament. What was the Diet ?
Japan formed this puppet government from Manchuria. What was Manzhouguo?
He was the emperor of Japan during WWII. Who was Emperor Hirohito ?
The agreement signed by the British and the U.S. with Japan tried to do this. What was limit the size of its Navy and military?
This is the organization that condemned the invasion of Manchuria by Japan. What was the League of Nations.
He was a leading Indian nationalist who became the first prime minister of India. Who was Jawaharlal Nehru.
He is considered the father of Chinese Republic. Who was Sun Yixian or Sun Yet San.
He became the head of the nationalist Chinese after the death of Sun Yixian. Who was Jiang Jieshi or Chiang Kai Shek.
He led the long march and was the leader of the Chinese Communists. Who was Mao Zedong or Mao Tse Tung.
He was the leader of the Muslim political party and became the first prime minister of Paksitan. Who was Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
This was the pamphlet read by loyal children in Japan. What was the Way of the Emperor’s Subjects.
This was the Nationalist party of the Republic of China. What was the Guomindang or Chinese Nationalist Party.
This is the term for the white cloth garment that Ghandi wore that used home spun thread. What was the dhoti.
This is the name Gandhi gave to his brand of non- violent resistance. What was satyagraha or Soul Force.
This is the refusal to obey unjust laws. What is civil disobedience.