Ideological & Political Trends after WWI Today Brief look at Islamism picking up from Thursday Mandate control over many of the newly-formed countries (Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Iraq if we have time)
Last time: Conflicting promises and messy diplomacy Indirect rule through mandates Political vacuum in many Middle Eastern states as Ottomans could not assert control and European powers became targets of indigenous liberation movements TODAY: The first decades of the 20 th century saw the emergence of numerous social and political movements, well before the war and Ottoman dissolution. Political expression and activity increased heavily.
- Committee of Union and Progress - Young Turk Revolt and Era ( ) - Triple Entente and Ottoman Response - Ottoman Arabs Leading up to WWI
World War I -Reforms of Young Turks -Military Defeats -Identity Issues (2 axes) - Trajectory of Ottoman State - Arab political identities -Husayn-McMahon Correspondence -Sykes-Picot Agreement -Arab Revolt (Sharif Husayn ibn Ali, Amir Feisal
The MENA region
Various trends… but first, some key distinctions. Islam vs. Islamism – Islam is a religion. Islamism is an ideology defining economic & legal systems based on Islam Muslim vs. Islamist – Muslims follows Muslim religion, but is not necessarily an Islamist. Islamist has ideologies following Islamism Arab vs. Arab nationalist – Arab is an ethnicity. Arab nationalist wants a unified political system and state for all Arabs Judaism vs. Zionism – Judaism is a religion. Zionism is a nationalist effort to define political and legal systems based on Judaism advocating a Jewish state
Islamism - many types. Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan) Jama’at Islami (Pakistan), Mawlana Maududi Pan-Islamism Ottomanism Turkism (and Pan-Turkism) Ataturk and Kemalism – reformism, republicanism, secularism, nationalism, populism, and etatism Arab Nationalism (single nation) Pan-Arabism (single state) Nasserism Gamal Abdel-Nasser and socialist program Baathism Michel Aflaq started Ba’ath movement in Syria (Christian Arab). Conflicting Ba’ath ideology in Syria & Iraq Liberalism – Taha Husayn Ethno-nationalism (Lebanese Christians at the time) Communism (i.e. Iraqi Communist Party) Zionism: the Jewish experience in Europe, Jewish nationalism to create a Jewish homeland, various types of Zionism Regionalism (unity of Levant or Maghrib, Yemen) Secularism (Turkey, Tunisia) Idiosyncratic (Muammar Qaddhafi) Some places competitive, some places monopolistic. Some trends:
Islamism: Is the belief that Islam provides comprehensive bases and sufficient guidance for political, economic and legal behavior, as well as other aspects of life like social norms.
How progressive and how traditional Degree of cultural difference Gender issues What economy systems should look like Interpretation and Enforcement of Shari’a Differences of Islamist thinking – Differ on:
Al Banna & Qutb
Why are individuals more favorably inclined to adopt one ideology rather than another? Identity, inclusion versus exclusion. Betting on a change in global or regional balance of power (communism, pro-West Sadat) Desire to forge a domestic coalition Ideological influence/ transnationalism (expatriates in Gulf) Outside funding Desire to ride a popular wave Sincere beliefs
Case Study: Iraqi Political Development - Late Ottoman Period ( ) - Efforts to Create Iraqi State ( ) - Struggle Over the State ( )