Chapter 8 – Revolutions in Europe and Latin America, 1790 - 1848 Section 1 An Age of Ideologies
Bell Work Turn to page 214 in your book Read through the timeline Analyze pictures and maps
About the Pictures Father Miguel Hidalgo urges Mexicans to fight for independence from Spain Father Miguel Hidalgo
About the Pictures Simon Bolivar, later known as “The Liberator,” seizes Bogota from the Spanish Simon Bolivar
About the Pictures French revolutionaries battle the king’s troops in the streets of Paris French Revolution of 1830
Ideological Spectrum
FOCUS After 1815, conservatives called for a return to the political and social structure that existed before 1789 Liberals embraced the ideas of the Enlightenment and wanted to limit the power of monarchs Nationalists threatened the powerful empires of Europe by pushing for independence.
FOCUS Conflicts emerged as conservative leaders opposed liberal and nationalist demands List three goals that conservative politicians may have had during this time List three goals that liberal politicians may have had during this time
Activity Divide into three groups Group 1 = conservatism Group 2 = liberalism Group 3 = nationalism Each group must outline its political movement by listing the attitudes, goals policies, and actions. Assign two members to be the “experts” Experts must teach the other groups about their political movement
Congress of Vienna - REVIEW Goal To create a lasting peace, by establishing a balance of power Protecting the system of monarchy
Congress of Vienna - REVIEW An attempt to turn back the clock to pre French Revolution 1789 Wanted to make the rest of Europe forget about the French Revolution and Napoleon
Conservatives and the Old Order Congress of Vienna was a victory for the conservatives Conservatives supported the Old Order, or the way things were in Europe before Napoleon and the French Revolution Old Order appealed to peasants because of its simplicity and rules
Conservatives and the Old Order Conservatives thought that defending peace and creating stability benefitted all people of Europe
The Liberal and Nationalist Challenge The ideological opposition to conservatives were liberals and nationalists Liberals and Nationalists believed in the ideas of the Enlightenment
Liberal Goals Wanted governments to be based on a written constitution with separation of powers Spoke out against divine-right monarchy
Nationalist Goals 1800’s national groups who shared common heritage set out to win there own states Nationalism gave people with a common heritage a sense of identity and a goal of creating their own homeland
Revolts against the Old Order Ideas of liberalism and nationalism inspired revolts against the Old Order
Revolts against the Old Order, Serbia
Independence for Serbia United by Karageorge, Serbs revolted against the Ottomans beginning in 1804-1813 Serbs fought a guerrilla war style Unsuccessful but forged a united Serbian identity By 1830 Serbs won autonomy from Ottoman Empire with the help of Russia
Independence for Greece National identity, heritage and shared history forged a strong bond between Greeks After winning support from Western Europe, Britain, France and Russia aided Greece in forcing the Ottomans to grant independence to some Greek provinces By 1830 Greece completely independent
Challenges to conservatism By the late 1820’s Southern Europe is nearly about to erupt with nationalist and liberalist revolutions Metternich and other Old Order leaders struggled to put out the fires of national and liberal revolutionaries