A conformance test suite for TTCN-3 tools Benjamin Zeiss, T-Systems Andras Kovacs, Broadbit Bogdan Stanca-Kaposta, Testing Technologies
Slide 2 Agenda Motivation STF 409 Methodology Discussion Challenges Conclusion A conformance test suite for TTCN-3 tools
Motivation (1/2) Many TTCN-3 compilers (~7 commercial, 2 internal) High interest in the language Complex standard: hundreds of pages Estimation of ~5000 requirements No way to check the compliance of TTCN-3 tools TTCN-3 is based on ETSI standards A conformance test suite for TTCN-3 tools is needed! Quality of a test tool is critical Errors in the test tool may influece test results. Slide 3 A conformance test suite for TTCN-3 tools
Motivation (2/2) Relevance: For users: Is my tool standards compliant? Can I switch tools easily / vendor lock-in? For tool vendors: Can I improve the standard compliance of my tool? Possibly later: compliance certification For standard developers: Where is need for clarification? Slide 4 A conformance test suite for TTCN-3 tools
STF 409 (1/2) Specialist Task Force initiated by ETSI MTS Manpower: 3 persons w. 20 days each (60 days total) Benjamin Zeiss (T-Systems/University of Göttingen) Andras Kovacs (Broadbit) Bogdan Stanca-Kaposta (Testing Technologies) Dates: October 2010 – Early 2011 Work is based on a framework given by TTCN-3 STF. Task: Devel. of a conformance test suite for TTCN-3 tools. Creation of a thorough documentation for the ATS. Slide 5 A conformance test suite for TTCN-3 tools
STF 409 (2/2) Three deliverables: ETSI TS V1.1.1 ( ) – ICS ETSI TS V1.1.1 ( ) – TSS & TP ETSI TS V1.1.1 ( ) – ATS & IXIT Approved by MTS in April Downloadable from the ETSI download area right now! Time spent: 10 days each (30 work days) Development of conformance tests. 10 days each + extra time (30+ work days): Validation, fixing of problems, documentation, tool development. Slide 6 A conformance test suite for TTCN-3 tools
Methodology (1/7) Five main steps: 1.Create clause priority list. Discuss with MTS. 2.Develop conformance tests. 3.Create documentation framework. 4.Generate documentation content. 5.Validate and fix. Step 1 (creation of clause priority list): Not all clauses can be covered. Selection has to be made. How to prioritize? Vendor feedback + most basic functionality. There is no perfect selection! Slide 7 A conformance test suite for TTCN-3 tools
Methodology (2/7) Step 2 (development of conformance tests): The ATS is not the test automation, but the test input! In most cases: 1 module = 1 conformance test. Two steps: 1.Specification of the test 2.Implementation of the test in TTCN-3. Conformance verdict: Expected tool output is specified in the document tags Purpose: Also specified in the document tags Test automation is not provided by the ATS! Can be scripted easily by extracting the document tags. Example Java source code can be provided! Test suite structure: organized according to clauses. Slide 8 A conformance test suite for TTCN-3 tools
Methodology (3/7) Step 2 (development of conformance tests) cont.: Expected output for verdict determination: pass accept/reject [expectedoutput] Examples: pass reject pass accept, ttcn3verdict:pass pass accept, noexecution Purpose specification: documentreference, description Documentreference: part:clause Examples: 1:5, Ensure that when the IUT loads a module containing some definitions before the module declaration then the module is rejected. Slide 9 A conformance test suite for TTCN-3 tools
Methodology (4/7) Step 2 (development of conformance tests) cont.: Complete TTCN-3 test input example: Slide 10 A conformance test suite for TTCN-3 tools /*************************************************** 1:5.2.2, Ensure that the IUT correctly handles the uniqueness of variable names in its scope. pass accept, ttcn3verdict:pass ***************************************************/ module Sem_050202_Uniqueness_001 { import from Sem_050202_Uniqueness_001_import { const all; } type component GeneralComp {} function f_funcScope() { var boolean repeatedIdentifier := true; if(repeatedIdentifier==true) { setverdict(pass); } } testcase TC_Sem_050202_Uniqueness_001() runs on GeneralComp { f_funcScope(); } control { execute(TC_Sem_050202_Uniqueness_001()); } } module Sem_050202_Uniqueness_001_import { // repeated indentifier // from imported module // is allowed const integer repeatedIdentifier := 0; }
Methodology (5/7) Step 3 (creation of documentation framework): Already provided by STF393 (Proforma). Split single document into three documents. Step 4 (generate documentation content): Only 60 days manpower, little time for documentation. Working on a single source saves time. Solution: Write test purposes and expected tool outputs directly into the test inputs. Generate tables for the documentation from the ATS: Test purpose tables. Test suite structure. Much easier to maintain! Documentation generation tools developed as part of STF409. Slide 11 A conformance test suite for TTCN-3 tools
Methodology (6/7) Step 5 (validation and fixing): Validation and fixing took more than half of the development time! STF internal validation with 4 tools: TTworkbench: compile-time and execution. TestCast: compile-time and execution. IBM: some initial compile-time validation. MTP: as reports are sent in. Lots of feedback from Elvior and MTP! Slide 12 A conformance test suite for TTCN-3 tools
Methodology (7/7) Executing the ATS: Slide 13 A conformance test suite for TTCN-3 tools ATS Sem_060101_TopLevel_001.ttcn NegSem_060303_component_types_001.ttcn … TTCN-3 Tool (test subject) TTCN-3 File Sem_060101_TopLevel_001.ttcn Tool output Rejection as invalidRejection to execute Execution with results (e.g., pass/inconc/fail) Tool output evaluation pass accept, ttcn3verdict:pass failpass Test input Expected output
Discussion Compliance does not imply safety from a vendor lock-in! Testing is never complete! With v1.1.1 of the ATS, about 32% of the core standard clauses are covered with at least one test. Ideally, we should have many tests for each clause. Compliance means less likelihood for vendor lock-in. With better coverage and higher number of test cases, we improve the quality of this statement. Compliance reduces the likelihood for major tool errors Tests range from simple arithmetic operations to communication operations and verdict handling. ATS checks syntax and semantics. ATS does not check the correctness of every single tool message, but of the overall output. A conformance test suite for TTCN-3 tools Slide 14 TTCN-3 Tool TTCN-3 Conformance ATS Meaning? pass
Challenges (1/2) Various standard clarifications were necessary: 9 CRs for TTCN-3 core languages have been written. Unclarified test cases have been excluded from the delivery ("on-hold"). Tools sometimes handle the standard differently. Tests need to be expressed as tool independent as possible. Time management: Proper validation and fixing is extremely time consuming. More than 10 voluntary days have been actually spent. Responsibilities: Everyone mixes up STF393 and STF409 responsibilities (proforma). Slide 15 A conformance test suite for TTCN-3 tools
Challenges (2/2) Version numbers: To which core language standard version does the conformance test suite relate to? How to maintain compatibility across different language versions? Against which version should the conformance test suite be developed in the future? Target quality: The target quality of the test suite should be fixed right in the beginning (Terms of Reference). Slide 16 A conformance test suite for TTCN-3 tools
Conclusion The conformance test suite is available now! ATS Metrics: Total number of conformance tests: 733 Number of positive syntactic conformance tests: 110 Number of negative syntactic conformance tests: 34 Number of positive semantic conformance tests: 335 Number of negative semantic conformance tests: 254 Total number of clauses in the TTCN-3 standard: 342 Total number of clauses (at least partially) covered: 110 About 140 pages of test purposes. Free to use for tool developers. Use it to improve your tool! Bug reports: Slide 17 A conformance test suite for TTCN-3 tools
Slide 18 Special thanks: Tool validation and comments Elvior, MTP, Conformiq, Ericsson, ISPRAS Jens Grabowski / University of Göttingen Questions? Feedback? A conformance test suite for TTCN-3 tools