1 SatEC Satellite for Emergency Communications a TC SES working group Pierre Loyer Chairman
2 Creation Officially created at the 68 th TC SES plenary meeting, Sept 06 Item 12 of the meeting report “A first WI was created for a TR concerning an overview of resources for spectrum, access to capacity, regulations concerning satellite emergency communications. “this first technical report should lead the way for a second TR devoted to system architecture.” “The new chairman is Mr. Pierre Loyer from Alcatel.”
3 Terms of reference Readable at Scope of activity “To perform standardization in the area of satellite emergency communication in particular involving broadband services.” Liaison “The WG will liaise with any relevant bodies, in particular with EMTEL and MESA” MESA : “to inform MESA of the creation of this new WG”; ACTION SES A-68-6
4 First Work Item See doc s68d54 Ref number DTR/SES Supporters Alcatel, HNS (Hugues Network Systems), Inmarsat, MTN (Maritme Telecommunication Networks, Associate member), SES ASTRA, BMWi (BundesMinisterium für Wirtschaft und Technik) Rapporteur : P. Loyer Deadline : Satec approval (“approved in principle”) : 29/05/2007 TC SES approval (formal approval) : 29/06/07
5 Scope of the 1 st WI Scope as per s68d54 Review of Spectrum allocation and Spectrum allocation studies, overview of access to commercial capacity, regulatory situation and perspective. Overview of present satellite emergency communication systems architectures. Recommendation to be derived from this overview. Scope should emphasise on broadband To be discussed !
6 Scope of the 1 st WI Other issues of of interest Justification : the rise of the number of disasters and hazards Missions –To provide a survey of the situation –To get support at distance –To coordinate with one another User requirements Quick deployment Ease to use and transportability Interoperability Main relevant technologies at hand or standardised Other standardisation bodies, regulation bodies, working groups working on the topic etc. ; liaisons The issue of preemption/requisition What else ?
7 Liaison with Mesa My vision fo Mesa at a glance A joint working group between TIA and Etsi Dedicated to emergency communications Delivers specification of sytems-of-systems Focus on terrestrial mobile systems (e.g. Tetra) Possible shared areas of interest with Satec Interconnection between sat and mobile network e.g. between a Tetra network and a DVB-RCS network Satec could be responsible for specifying the interface on the sat side Mesa could be responsible for specifying the interface on the mobile terminal side
8 Typical outcome of common work A container for emergency communications Transportable by helicopter Easy to deploy With a DVB-RCS sat terminal to connect to backbones and beyond to risk/health centres With terrestrial mobile radio means based on Tetra, Wi-Fi, GSM, analog VHF (voice) etc. Alcatel Alenia Space has developed a first prototype
9 Any question ? Chairman’s details Pierre Loyer Alcatel Alenia Space/Industrial Unit Ground IUG Tel : / Fax :