World Class Standards ISO/IEC JTC 1 Special Working Group on Accessibility (SWG-A) JTC 1 SWG-A N Document Type: Report Title: ETSI HF STF 333 Report Source: Richard Hodgkinson RequestedFor consideration at the June 2008 SWG-A meeting. Action: JTC 1 SWG on Accessibility Secretariat ITI/INCITS 1250 Eye Street NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC
World Class Standards ETSI TR European Accessibility Requirements for Public Procurement of Products and Services in the ICT domain (EC Mandate M376, Phase 1) ETSI HF STF 333 © ETSI All rights reserved ISO/IEC JTC 1 SWG-A, Tokyo, June 2008
World Class Standards ISO/IEC JTC 1/SWG-A, Tokyo, June European Telecommunications Standards Institute Recognised as an official European Standards Organisation by the European Commission. Produces globally applicable standards for ICT, including fixed, mobile, radio, converged and broadcast technologies. “Not for profit” organisation funded by subscriptions from almost 700 members across 60 countries worldwide. Located at Sophia Antipolis in southern France. Standards are freely available…no cost! Go to 3
World Class Standards ISO/IEC JTC 1/SWG-A, Tokyo, June EC Standardisation Mandate M376 - Objectives Phase 1: To harmonise and facilitate the public procurement of accessible ICT products and services by identifying a set of functional European accessibility requirements for public procurement of products and services in the ICT domain, Work period: September 2007 to March 2009, Final draft ready for ESO cross-approval 24 th September. Phase 2: To provide an EU Norm (a standard) and a mechanism through which the public procurers have access to an electronic toolkit, enabling them to make use of these harmonised requirements in procurement, Work commences: post March 2009? 4
World Class Standards ISO/IEC JTC 1/SWG-A, Tokyo, June EC Standardisation Mandate M376 - Assignments ETSI HF STF 333: Prepare ETSI Technical Report which: Lists ICT Products and services bought by public procurers, Lists existing functional accessibility requirements, Lists existing national, regional and International standards which might comply with those requirements, Provides a proposal for standardisation work for requirements that do not currently exist. CEN/BT WG 185 PT: Prepare a report which: Provides an analysis of testing and conformity schemes of products and services meeting accessibility requirements, Provides an analysis on conformance schemes of this nature at European and International level. 5
World Class Standards ISO/IEC JTC 1/SWG-A, Tokyo, June EC Mandate M/376 – Co-ordination Provided by EU ICT Standards Board, Design for All and Assistive Technologies Standardisation Co- ordination Group (DATSCG). Direct liaison at working group level (ETSI STF 333 – CEN/BT 185 PT). Public workshops held in Brussels, April & June 2008: 110 stakeholders attending (June), TEITAC, GSA, W3C, EICTA, EDF, ANEC, EDeAN, ETSI, AENOR, CEN/CENELEC, BSi, IBM, SAP, HP, Microsoft... (June). Go to 6
World Class Standards ISO/IEC JTC 1/SWG-A, Tokyo, June ETSI STF HF 333 – Team members 7
World Class Standards ISO/IEC JTC 1/SWG-A, Tokyo, June ETSI TR Activities Over 1,000 stakeholders involved from disability, business and standards organisations worldwide. Over 270 contacts in European Public Procurement Network. 4 public (and 41 private) drafts produced. 4 th (and final) public draft available, 211 pages! Commenting period closes 11 th August. Comments and responses logged. For the latest draft and more information go to F333.asp F333.asp 8
World Class Standards ISO/IEC JTC 1/SWG-A, Tokyo, June ETSI TR Structure Foreword, Introduction, 1. Scope, 2. References, 3. Definitions and abbreviations (standard clauses). 4. Approach, methodology and context of use. Two approaches investigated to generate an inventory of ICT products and services, together with a listing of associated functional accessibility requirements: 1.Product-centered approach: Listing of products identified by the CPV code and associating the user requirements with each product...impracticable. 2.User-centered approach: Identifying generic user requirements for each feature of a product, applying these to any product with the relevant feature...done! 9
World Class Standards ISO/IEC JTC 1/SWG-A, Tokyo, June ETSI TR – Structure & Contents 5. ICT products bought by public procurers: International situation surveyed…Untied Nations, WHO, EU legislation and Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) codes. 6. Existing functional accessibility requirements for public ICT procurement: International, trans and pan-European, EU and EFTA* requirements collected. *EFTA = Norway, Iceland, Switzerland & Liechtenstein. 10
World Class Standards ISO/IEC JTC 1/SWG-A, Tokyo, June ETSI TR – Structure & Contents 7. Relevant European and International standards: Lists and describes both published and ICT standards in development that address accessibility issues, Standards sources: ITU-T, ISO, IEC, W3C (ATAG, WCAG & UAAG), ETSI, CEN, AENOR/UNE (Spain), BS (UK), Australia* and Japan. 8. User requirements and ICT: Maps user needs from: ISO/IEC PDTR (JTC1 SWG-A), UN Convention on Rights for Persons with Disabilities, ETSI EG Duplex Universal Speech and Text (DUST), …to relevant technical requirements. 11
World Class Standards ISO/IEC JTC 1/SWG-A, Tokyo, June ETSI TR – Structure & Contents 9. Technical requirements: User needs from clause 8 translated into functional requirements, More than 50 standards reviewed, listed in: ISO/IEC PDTR – Accessibility Considerations for people with Disabilities – Part 2: Standards Inventory (ISO/IEC JTC 1 SWG-A), ETSI SR : An annotated bibliography of documents dealing with Human Factors and disability, Tiresias web site - List of accessibility standards in development ( International Telecommunication Union – Telecommunications, TEITAC – US Telecommunications and Electronic and Information Technology Advisory Committee (Access Board “Section 508 Refresh”). 12
World Class Standards ISO/IEC JTC 1/SWG-A, Tokyo, June ETSI TR – Structure & Contents 9. Technical requirements: Unable to review some standards due to expense, availability, language or time constraints, Exact matches between user needs and functional requirements rare, Gaps identified where a user need exists, but no technical requirement available = proposal for a new technical requirement. 10. Gaps in accessibility requirements: 48 potential new user requirements identified, Submission to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SWG-A for consideration, To be submitted to Access Board for consideration. 13
World Class Standards ISO/IEC JTC 1/SWG-A, Tokyo, June ETSI TR – Structure & Contents Annex A. US Section 508 and the Canadian toolkit. Annex B. List of applicable CPV codes. Annex C. Procurement legislation and ICT products and services procured in the EU and EFTA member states. Annex D. National eAccessibility procurement requirements: Currently used by EU & EFTA member states, Australia, Japan and the USA, Requirements address public Web sites, telecommunications, policies & strategies, toolkits, procurement support, etc. Annex C. Bibliography Further list of standards and guidelines. 14
World Class Standards European Accessibility Requirements for ICT Public Procurement: Actions Required to Progress the Work (ETSI STF333) Bruno von Niman Leader, ETSI STF333 M 376 Open Conference, Brussels, June 3-4, 2008
World Class Standards ISO/IEC JTC 1/SWG-A, Tokyo, June ”Accessibility as a competitive edge” One, globally harmonized European Norm (standard). One usable and accessible toolkit: Based on deep insight about user needs and contexts of use, Relying upon competitive innovation, On at least two levels? With at least two profiles: Procurer, Provider. Providers positioning and competing with accessibility as a competitive edge.
World Class Standards ISO/IEC JTC 1/SWG-A, Tokyo, June Actions planned and agreed until the end of the project Steering Committee, CEN/BT WG 185 and ETSI TC HF reporting and coordination in June 2008: Incorporating comments from June meeting. ISO/IEC JTC1/SWG-A liaison (June) and ICCHP presentation in July Comments on draft 4 accepted until 11th August. Resolutions, draft updates, final review. A 5th public draft may be released (and announced) for validation purposes, without any commitment For a compacted period, e.g. 8th to 18th September. Final draft for ESO approval on 24th September. ETSI TC Human Factors and cross-ESO approval on 8th October ETSI publication after editorial processing: In October- November 2008.
World Class Standards ISO/IEC JTC 1/SWG-A, Tokyo, June – Two Main Possible Approaches 1.“Shopping list” - An exhaustive listing and reference to existing external standards, adding only minimal new content (not recommended): pages?, €?, own structures and vocabularies, limited accessibility, Would require all stakeholders to purchase, or otherwise obtain, all necessary referenced standards. 2.“One-Stop-Shop” - A self-contained standard which, while supported by previous work, stands alone and provides the basis for procurement: 1.More accessible & usable for the intended users, easier to maintain, 2.Would enable a more useful toolkit – with login profiles and contextual applicability.
World Class Standards ISO/IEC JTC 1/SWG-A, Tokyo, June Considerations and recommendations Regardless the approach chosen, a “refresh” policy should be defined (3-5 year “refresh” cycle). Close collaboration with the US Access Board is strongly recommended. More insight about the user segment requirements and contexts of use (including procurers and processes). Toolkit requirements: Usability and accessibility requirements similar to those on products, Languages and translations, Maintenance, etc.
World Class Standards ISO/IEC JTC 1/SWG-A, Tokyo, June M376 - Five Phase II Tasks 1.A European Standard (ES/EN): Specifying the requirements for accessibility for all ICT products and services within each of the technical areas (to be used in terms of technical specifications in the sense mentioned in the Public Procurement Directives). 2.A report on the standards and specifications (building on the ETSI TR). 3.Guidelines on accessibility award criteria that are relevant to each technical area, to be used in the procurement process.
World Class Standards ISO/IEC JTC 1/SWG-A, Tokyo, June M376 - Five Phase II Tasks 4. Guidance and support material for public procurements, which should address at least the following areas: Information Technology planning guidelines, Broad circulation of materials on accessible information technology, Technical advice on new ICT hardware or software, Training of IT staff on the use of the developed material, Inventory of existing accessibility support services and of accessibility support needs, Inclusion of accessibility in ICT call for proposals, Verification of supplier claims of accessibility, Tracking of non-compliance of products and services with accessibility requirements in tenders, Information on the testing and conformity aspects.
World Class Standards ISO/IEC JTC 1/SWG-A, Tokyo, June M376 - Five Phase II Tasks 5.An on-line, accessible toolkit providing: Structured access to the full content of the EN, the report, the guidelines and the guidance material, In particular, thorough guidance and ready text to public procurers who will use it.
World Class Standards ISO/IEC JTC 1/SWG-A, Tokyo, June M376 - Phase II Enough information has been found in Phase I to permit a single EN to be written in Phase II which contains all of the functional requirements: Will need to refer to other International and/or European standards, particularly for test methods (which need to be based on harmonized International requirements). For each requirement identified references will be noted: The first work is to merge them into consensual statements, Conformance statements need to be associated with each requirement. Gaps will need to be filled: Need to agree that the gaps are genuine, Requirements will need to be written. International standard bodies must be approached to write several new standards.
World Class Standards ISO/IEC JTC 1/SWG-A, Tokyo, June M376 - Phase II...continued A report will list all standards referenced out from the EN: Update of status of standards currently under development. Guidance may be needed on applying the various requirements to actual products. The current work can provide all necessary information to support preparation of an on-line toolkit for public procurers: The toolkit should also be able to assist suppliers, developers/designers and testers/assessors, The toolkit should be structured to permit a number of approaches to the information that it contains.
World Class Standards ISO/IEC JTC 1/SWG-A, Tokyo, June Phase II continued