This update is a BT perspective of Working Group status including input from the Co-Chair call of 7 th September Nigel Scott 13 th Sept 05 Consult21 - Where Are We? Update on Working Groups
PLANNED WORKING GROUP ACTIVITY – LEGACY INTERCONNECT CONSULTATION PHASE: COMMITTED PROPOSAL. OVERALL STATUS: RED from Amber Agreement of SAN contract textJul 05* Issue informal complex SANs to Pathfinder partiestba Agree final revision to commercial proposal document Aug 05* Contractual closure of commercial proposals (excl. SAD,Sep 05 complex routed NTS calls) Initial SAN’s issuedtba Progress discussions on SAD, complex routed and NTS calls Oct 05 Dates listed above are the current anticipated timescales and may be subject to change Industry content with SAN text and process but want commercial offer and eng costs sorted as part of same package. Timing is an issue: 28 th Sept workshop, with end Oct solution too late, so RED Commercial offer now has no main issues, moving to contract text. Also issue of no visible one hop migration path *On hold
PLANNED WORKING GROUP ACTIVITY – NGN INTERCONNECT CONSULTATION PHASE: CONCEPT. OVERALL STATUS: GREEN TSG to complete initial UK NGN standards subject to ETSI changesSept 05 ETSI Standards (TiSPAN SIP(I)) availableOct 05 Trials Contract AgreedMar 06 Network Interoperability testsApr 06 Trial live customers May 06 -Oct 06 Launch IP Narrowband Service Conveyance Nov 06 Dates listed above are the current anticipated timescales and may be subject to change MSAN Voice access proposals may / will need experts group. Standards moving forward, but still potential issue of vendor implementation support
PLANNED WORKING GROUP ACTIVITY – IMPLEMENTATION & MIGRATION CONSULTATION PHASE: COMMITTED PROPOSAL. OVERALL STATUS: AMBER Obligatory products list & Legacy I/X proposals wrt PF finalisedComplete High-level activity plan agreed with industry (BT)Complete Roll-out informationSep 05 Commence capacity planningSep 05 Agree customer communications plan (Comms WG)Oct 05 Detailed complex SANs issued by BTOct 05 OSS design plans agreed (Systems WG)Oct 05 Agree Pathfinder contractsOct 05 Service migration principles agreed with Steering BoardOct 05 Billing records process agreedJan 06 Service management process for migration agreedJan 06 Interconnect arrangements agreed with Steering BoardJan 06 Capacity orders agreedJan 06 Pathfinder network build complete by BTMar 06 Systems integration testing complete (Systems WG)May 06 Migration of I/X capacity from DLEs to NGS completeMay 06 Pathfinder industry tests complete (inc. networks & systems)Oct 05 - Jul 06 Pathfinder migrations commence for voice & BB (BT)Aug 06 – Oct 06 (Red) denotes activities with dependency on other work streams Dates listed above are the current anticipated timescales and may be subject to change Tending to RED, and indicated to do so post 17 th Oct if no cost agreement
PLANNED WORKING GROUP ACTIVITY – SYSTEMS CONSULTATION PHASE: PROPOSAL. OVERALL STATUS: AMBER from GREEN Review BT “business” roadmaps: Agree format and information requiredCompleted Review roadmaps with industryAug 05 Further milestones to be agreed once processes and current interfaces have been documented & roadmaps have been reviewed with industry & BT stakeholders – August & September Barrier without the roadmap
PLANNED WORKING GROUP ACTIVITY – NETWORK HOOKS & COMMON CAPABILITIES CONSULTATION PHASE: PROPOSAL. OVERALL STATUS: GREEN Meeting between WG and SB Co-Chairs to determine next steps 23 rd Aug 05 Dates listed above are the current anticipated timescales and may be subject to change Meeting (above) held. Working Group suspended
PLANNED WORKING GROUP ACTIVITY – BROADBAND & LLU CONSULTATION PHASE: COMMITTED PROPOSAL. OVERALL STATUS: RED Requirements capture Oct 05 Confirm cost structure and elements of 21CN Dec 05 End user migrations proposals Dec 05 Complete systems testing of IPS on 21CN Mar 06 Issue systems test report of new Broadband product Mar 06 Complete end to end testing of IPS on 21CN Apr 06 IPS SIN and SPIN update May 06 Confirm pricing for BB/LLU products on 21CN May 06 Alpha trial complete Aug 06 Start 21CN mass migrations (Pathfinder) Autumn 06 Dates listed above are the current anticipated timescales and may be subject to change FAS + BB ix (MSAN) work underway
PLANNED WORKING GROUP ACTIVITY – PRIVATE CIRCUITS & PARTIAL PRIVATE CIRCUITS CONSULTATION PHASE: PROPOSAL. OVERALL STATUS: GREEN Review principles for migration in light of detailed 21CN plans and design. Aug 05 Agree appropriate industry wide task plan.Sep 05 Dates listed above are the current anticipated timescales and may be subject to change New PPC product requirements being constructed
PLANNED WORKING GROUP ACTIVITY – WHOLESALE ACCESS CONSULTATION PHASE: CLOSURE OVERALL STATUS: GREEN Dates listed above are the current anticipated timescales and may be subject to change Review principles for migration in light of detailed 21CN plans and design. Aug 05 Agree appropriate industry wide task plan.Sep 05 Meeting had been cancelled due to conflict with other meetings, but now re-scheduled for 27 th September