General Assembly 29 November 2012 Brussels
Agenda Opening Michael Gorriz, President European CIO Association Minutes GA Paris November 30th 2011 Welcome & acceptance new National Bodies (VISZ and Tübiyad) and Associated Partner CIGREF Presentation & acceptance procedure new DM Board members Activities overview 2012 Action plan & targets 2013 Financial overview 2012 & budget 2013 AOB & closure
Activities overview 2012: 1. Status & targets WGs 2. Education Program 3. “Grand Coalition”
1. Status/targets WGs WG Cloud Achievements 2012 A truly European year, hands in hands with DG CNECT (Kroes/Madelin) EuroCIO now recognized stakeholder from the large “users” – by the E.C. and Industry EuroCIO (Michael Gorriz) member ECP (European Cloud Partnership) of Neelie Kroes (NK) A comprehensive positioning paper that: –Was widely used for NK’s strategy –Is being translated into ETSI format –Will be used for NK’s standards effort 15 formal seminars/events/meetings Targets 2013 Position papers on Data Privacy, Trust & Security, SLAs, etc. Checklist cloud activites (procurement, implementation, operation,...) Roadmap Cloud Standards (EC/ETSI project) Chairman: Cyril Bartoli. Board sponsor: Freddy van den Wyngaert
1. Status/targets WGs WG Suppliers Achievements 2012, in a somewhat less busy year: Oracle: stalled SAP: still pushing to move away from SAP Users Group Microsoft confirmed and productive relationship Targets 2013 Better alignment + sharing best practices with WGs NBs WG would probably benefit from sharper objectives Bilateral agreements ? 2 meetings w/ Microsoft, meet SAP at CEBIT Chairman + Board sponsor: Dario Scrosoppi
1. Status/targets WGs WG HR & e-skills Achievements 2012 Effective co-operation established with the heads of national WG’s Involvement of national HR WG’s in EC Programmes (FR, UK, NL) Expansion Education Programme: close co-operation VOICE for the D/A/CH MBA Participation in VISION, QUALITY initiatives (EU leading e-skills programs) Participation CEN plenary and the e-CF Governance (CEN) Co-chair EeSA; reform in view Grand Coalition/Governance e-CF Targets 2013 Split activities WG HR & e-skills from Education Program More involvement of DMs in the WG Participation in the GUIDE project (curriculum guidelines, quality labels) Participation in CEN plenary, EeSA, eCF Governance, etc. Board sponsor: Christian Pagel
2. Education Program Achievements 2012 Further growth of the NL MBA to 100 participants (now 80) Launch of the D/A/CH MBA together with TU München and Universität St. Gallen (first participants in Feb 2013) Launch of the Professional Program in Business & Enterprise Architecture (2 modules given in Henley and Paris) Targets 2013 Launch of the MBA Program in one more country (Turkey, UK, France, Belgium?) Second cohort (20 students) of the BEA Programme New professional Program in Risk / Security /Compliance Board Sponsor: Christian Pagel Director:
3. Grand Coalition Basic Idea “Grand Coalition” a European partnership between EU/National Governments, IT- industry and CIO community about solving the e-skills issue (too few e-skilled people) and creating IT jobs Dialogue started in May with visit to Neelie Kroes April 2012: Round Table discussion with DG Robert Madelin + major stakeholders. Each major stakeholder made a report about e-skills situation in Europe. 22 November planning meeting with EU (Madelin) about next steps. 4 December: High Level Group (HLG) meeting with EU countries. Q1 2013: announcements European Commission about Grand Coalition Conclusions so far: e-skills training needed in all countries – along one common structure: e Competence Framework e-skills teams per country pilots in & between countries (work to jobs; jobs to work)
1. Better functioning WGs 2. EU Lobbying 3. Education Program 4. New members Actions & targets 2013:
1. Better functioning WGs VOICE will explore the option for a WG Security All other workgroups (suppliers, e-skills/HR, cloud, security): –One chairman + Board sponsor –Year plan + deliverables/goals 2013 before 31 Dec. –Key aim: sharing best practices between NBs + DMs. Use existing knowledge in NBs. –Links with EU Digital Agenda (if applicable) –Representatives from all NBs + several DMs –Communicate results (communication plan) to: NBs, DMs and Website(s) –Chairman reports
2. EU Lobbying Link EuroCIO (+ WGs) to all relevant DGs. Key DGs: –DG CNECT (Digital Agenda; Cloud Strategy; Grand Coalition) –DG ENTR (e-skills, eCF Governance) –DG JUST (cloud legal) –DG EMPL (Grand Coalition) –DG EAC (Grand Coalition; Education - e-skills) Presenting in EIF (European Internet Foundation) for MEPs (Members European Parliament) Re-position EeSA in view of Grand Coalition & eCF Governance; leading to a more pronounced positioning of EuroCIO; stay co-chair !
3. Education Programme Attract new Director (50%) Split WG HR & e-skills from Education Program Foster spread Education Program within NBs + DMs over Europe: –After MBAs in Netherlands, Germany: next country 2013 (Turkey, UK, France, Belgium ?) –Promote next cohort BEA course –After Enterprise Arch: start (with WG Security) master course for Cyber Security Officer –Work in GUIDE project on curriculum guidelines, quality labels for our Education Program Create awareness, do marketing for the program
4. New members Attract minimal 10 DMs in 2013 (from 30 to 40) –Next steps DM campaign in “non” NB countries: breakfast meeting coming friday !! –co-operation NBs and EuroCIO to attract DMs in NB countries –NBs to make action plan for DM. Target: at least one DM per NB in 2013 –Think about “dual-membership” fee for 2014 Attract new countries (NBs). Candidates: Denmark, Greece. Target: at least one more country.
Financial overview 2012 European CIO Association: Budget 2012* budget 2012estimated actuals 2011comments Revenues Direct Members ca. 10 less DMs National Bodies Miscellaneous Total revenues Expenses Direct Association costs salaries other costs ,45 Total Brussels ,45 Network meetings ,1 Staff salaries e-skills,SMEs ,53 Total staff ,53 Operations office costs33.800, ,55 website6.000,002479,74 Webex4.800,005351,9 travel, phone20.400, ,55 memberships5.000, Total Operations70.000, ,74 Total Finaki Services ,37 Total Brussels ,45 Total Expenses ,82 Result ,82
Budget 2013 European CIO Association: Budget 2013* PriceUnitTotal /yearComments Revenues Direct members based upon more DMs National bodies estimation Total Revenues Expenses Directs Association costs Office, month8.400 Secretary General per year Tax Advisor400per month4.800 Travels and expenses (general secretary…)1.000per month Total Brussels Finaki Services Budget Finaki Services payment (fees 2013: 15% on expenses)22.100instead of Association Operating Budget Network meetings2per year Accomodation7500per meeting Travels2000per meeting4.000 Catering4000per meeting8.000 Room rental1000per meeting2.000 Workgroups meetings10006 per year6.000 Total Network Meetings Staff e-Skills2.000per month SMEs2.000per month Director (Eric Henault, including social costs) per year inadequat salary Total Staff Operations Operationnal costs (office, equipement, PA + social costs, docs, accounting, tax advisor...)40.000per year Website & maintenance450per month5.400 Webex450per month5.400 Travels, expenses (for SMEs, director, SJ)1700per month Membership eESA & EIF & ETSI8500per year8.500 Total Operations Total expenses
Q & AQ & A