Sustainability in etsi CRiP Conference Luis Jorge Romero Paris, 17 June 2014
ETSI in a nutshell ICT standards organization based in France Formed in 1988 Formaly recognized as SDO by the EU Telecoms, IT and « ICT inside » e.g. transports, mobile payments, smart grids, etc Global membership (770+ Members/63 countries) Direct participation “Made in EU for global use” enabler of a series of worldwide industrial hits Partnership is the preferred way (3GPP, oneM2M…) Interoperability (CTI) What’s ETSI, what ETSI does
Energy efficiency © ETSI 2014. All rights reserved
The goal is to achieve an economically sustainable urban environment without sacrificing comfort and convenience / quality of life of citizens
Human activity has pushed CO2 emissions to nearly 32,000 Mt in 2009 (Source : Global e-Sustainability Initiative - GeSi) © ETSI 2014. All rights reserved
How ETSI is helping to reduce carbon emissions Two pillars of the ICT sector response to climate change in which ETSI is active are : improve the energy efficiency of the ICT sector itself, use ICT to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in other sectors (mitigation technologies)
energy efficiency in the ICT sector © ETSI 2014. All rights reserved
ETSI Technical Committee “Environmental Engineering” Introduction to ETSI Technical Committee “Environmental Engineering” 8 8
Description of TC-EE activities “Multi-task” Technical Committee for ICT infrastructures Environmental topics (temperature, humidity, mechanical ….) Acoustic Equipment practice Power supply interface Power architectures and grounding Alternative energy sources Energy efficiency Eco-environmental impact assessment
ETSI TC-EE DELIVERABLES ON ENERGY EFFICIENCY Telecom products DELIVERABLES IN THE SCOPE OF EU MANDATE M/462 “ICT to enable efficient energy use in fixed and mobile information and communication networks” 10 10
TC ATTM The Technical Committee (TC) ATTM addresses Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing including all aspects within the ETSI scope - cabling, installations, signal transmission, multiplexing and other forms of signal processing up to digitalization in private and public domain; excluding those aspects that relate to Hybrid Fibre-Coaxial cable networks which are covered by TC Cable. TC ATTM closely collaborates with the Technical Bodies responsible for communications, networking and services and the exact boundary between the activities is be adapted to the members’ needs. © ETSI 2014. All rights reserved
TC ATTM & EE Coordination of activities Coordination with ATTM on energy efficiency and eco-environmental matters TC-ATTM and TC-EE chairmen have reviewed the standardization programmes on energy efficiency and eco-environmental matters of the two TCs An overview of the standardization programme on these topics have been produced to map the various WIs and avoid overlapping (see attachment) Ongoing discussion with TM6 on the remote power feeding for CPE
TC ATTM & EE Coordination of activities The eco-environmental aspects covered by ATTM and EE deliverables are classified in: Efficient General Engineering Efficient Engineering Objective KPI KPI for energy consumption KPI task efficiency = energy/service unit KPI “heat reuse= reused energy / consumed energy“ KPI “renewable energy= renewable / consumed energy“ KPI Global Indicator Equipment design towards energy Life Cycle Assessment
reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in other sectors © ETSI 2014. All rights reserved
Mitigating technologies and what ETSI is doing to enable them A mitigating technology technology that is deployed in another sector and leads to a reduction of GHG emissions in that sector, normally through the reduction of energy consumed by these sectors but also through reductions in the use of non-renewable resources. ICT itself is responsible for around 2% of global emissions, but other sectors are responsible for much higher emissions as shown Some of the biggest emitters are the energy, road transport, and household and services sectors. Together these emit over 60% of the total and, if ICT could be used to reduce energy consumption by just 10% in each of these sectors, the overall impact would be huge. ETSI standards will contribute to this goal in these and many other sectors.
Contributions to Energy Efficiency and Mitigation ISG OEU Developing operational standards in cooperation with ICT users Defining Global KPIs that will lead to reduction in energy consumption through improved energy management by means of a scale of “Green” levels. Providing referential specifications on “Green” ICT areas. And several other Committees, ISGs and activities, such as: TC ITS, EP eHealth, TC Smart M2M, oneM2M, Smart Grids, Smart Metering, TC NTECH or TC DECT
Ericsson Wireless Vitae 2011 2011-02-17 Ericsson AB 2011
Back up slides © ETSI 2014. All rights reserved
energy efficiency in the ICT sector © ETSI 2014. All rights reserved
HIGHLIGHT ON ETSI TC-EE DELIVERABLES ON ENERGY EFFICIENCY Telecom products DELIVERABLES IN THE SCOPE OF EU MANDATE M/462 “ICT to enable efficient energy use in fixed and mobile information and communication networks” 22 22
Energy Efficiency deliverables for TLC products ES 203 215 V1.3.1, published 10/2011 It replaces TS 102 533 It defines measurement methods of energy efficiency of network access equipment Power consumption limits are defined in informative annex Currently being updated to insert new measurement method Wireline Broadband Access equipment TS 102 706 V1.3.1, published 07/2013 It defines measurement and calculation methods of energy efficiency of radio base stations ES 202 706 being drafted to Enhancing the energy efficiency measurement method for RBS TR 103 116 V1.1.1, published 10/2012 It’s a practical application of the TS 102 706 Wireless Broadband Access equipment
Energy Efficiency deliverables for TLC products EN 301 575 V1.1.1, published 5/2012 It defines methods and test conditions to measure power consumption of end-user broadband equipment in the scope of EU regulation 1275/2008 in: Off mode Standby mode It defines also measurement method for on-mode power consumption Customer Premises equipment ES 201 554 V1.1.1, published 04/2012 It defines measurement methods for: IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) core functions (HSS, CSCF, etc) Fixed core functions (softswitch) Mobile core functions (HLR, MSC, GGSN, SGSN, EPC, etc) Core network equipment are defined in TS 123 002 revised to include Radio access control nodes (RNC, BSC) (in member’s approval) Core Network equipment
Energy Efficiency deliverables for TLC products ES 203 184 V1.1.1, published 03/2013 Measurement method and transport equipment configuration It considers work done by ATIS-NIPP TEE but more details on the tests conditions and equipment configuration are added The gain of amplifier is part of the metric Transport Equipment ES 203 136 V1.1.1, published 05/2013 Measurement method and switching/router equipment configuration It considers the work in ITU-T SG5 and ATIS-NIPP TEE but more details on the tests conditions and equipment configuration are added Switching and Router equipment
Energy Efficiency deliverables for radio access networks ES 203 228, ongoing Work Item on “Assessment of mobile network energy efficiency” TR 103 117 “Principles for Mobile Network level energy efficiency” V1.1.1, published 11/2012 This TR is the basis to compare different network energy efficiencies or to compare networks with different (innovative) features Network complexity is taken into account in respect to energy efficiency Verify complexities of network measurement in live network Verify complexities of network measurement in lab Models and simulations for network level energy efficiency is also studied The covered technology is GSM, UMTS, LTE Liaison has been established with 3GPP TSG SA WG5 The WI for the ES is being developed in cooperation with ITU-T SG5
Environmental impact assessment deliverable Methods for assessing the environmental impact of ICTs TS 103 199 V1.1.1 “Life Cycle Assessment of ICT equipment, ICT network and service: General definition and common requirement” Published (11/2011) The purpose of this TS is to: harmonize the LCA of ICT: Equipment Networks Services It includes specific requirements for LCA of ICTs in respect to: ISO 14040 Environmental management, Life cycle assessment, Principles and framework ISO 14044 Environmental management, Life cycle assessment, Requirements and guidelines International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook - General guide for Life Cycle Assessment
Environmental impact assessment deliverable ES 203 199 (revision of TS 103 199) on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) TS 103 199 was evaluated during the European Commission pilot test During the pilot test, some questions have been raised that allowed to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the ETSI LCA document The identified weaknesses were addressed in this revision of TS 103 199 Improvements are: Provide more guidance for recycling allocation rules Clarification on how to assess the LCA uncertainty More guidance/clarifications on Network and Service LCAs Clarify applicability of annexes when only GHG emissions are assessed This Work Item is in cooperation with ITU-T SG5 in order to define a common methodology Just approved from TC EE and to be sent for member’s approval
Energy Efficiency monitoring ES 202 336-x: “Infrastructure equipment control and monitoring system interface” series 11 subparts for each specific interface/application “1” General interface (V1.2.1, 07/2011) “2” DC power systems (V1.1.1, 03/2009) “3” AC-UPS power systems (V1.1.1, 10/2009) “4” AC distribution power system (V1.1.1, 03/2013) “5” AC-diesel backup generators (V1.1.1, 04/2010) “6” Air conditioning systems (V1.1.1, 09/2012) “7” Other utilities (V1.1.1, 12/2009) “8” Remote power feeding (V1.1.1, 09/2009) “9” Alternative power systems (V1.1.1, 09/2012) “10” AC inverter power system control (V1.1.1, 09/2011) “11” Battery systems (in preparation) “12” ICT equipment (in preparation – see next slide) Control processes defined in these publications reduce the energy consumption by optimizing equipment settings (e.g. cooling systems) Furthermore, the remote monitoring and setting reduce the CO2 emissions (less on-site interventions)
Energy Efficiency monitoring ES 202 336-12 Work Item on “Monitoring and Control Interface for ICT equipment Power, Energy and Environmental parameters” It defines the control/monitoring interface of ICT equipment to keep under control the power consumption and environmental values Parameters to be monitored are: power consumption environmental parameters (e.g. temperature) Traffic/data parameters (throughput, number of connected lines, radio setting, etc)
Energy Efficiency monitoring ES 203 237 “Green Abstraction Layer (GAL), power management capabilities of the future energy telecommunication fixed network nodes” This WI has been created in cooperation with EU project ECONET The Green Abstraction Layer (GAL) is an architectural interface that gives a flexible access to the power management capabilities of future energy aware telecommunication fixed network nodes It allows the adapting of energy consumption of the network nodes with respect to the load variations. The ES covers the definition of: the Green Abstraction Layer general architecture the interoperable interface between the Network Control Protocols and the power management capabilities of the fixed network devices the Energy States describing the different configurations and corresponding performances with respect to energy consumptions
Energy Efficiency power architecture Power supply interface requirements for products to be connected to: direct current source up to 400 V: EN 300 132-3-1, V2.1.1 (02-2012) alternating current source up to 400 V: EN 300 132-3-2 (drafting) rectified current source up to 400 V: EN 300 132-3-3 (to be started) Energy efficiency of this power architecture up to 400 V is greater than the classical 48V-DC solution It is a power distribution, with backup, suitable to supply all type of equipment in a data center without using UPS or AC/DC converters at 48 V The EN 300 132-3 series define the requirements for the power supply interface of the equipment to be connected to such power architecture (nominal voltage, abnormal service voltage, inrush current, etc.) EN 301 605 V1.1.1 “Earthing and bonding of 400 VDC data and telecom (ICT) equipment”
EU R&D Projects relevant to Green Agenda Area Relevance STRONGEST Energy efficiency in transport networks TC-EE WI on energy efficiency of transport equipment EARTH (concluded) Energy efficiency in mobile communication networks TC-EE WIs on energy efficiency of radio base stations and radio access networks ECONET Exploiting dynamic adaptive technologies for wired network devices that allow saving energy when device not used TC-EE WIs on energy efficiency and control & monitoring of power consumption in ICT networks TREND Research on energy-efficient networking TC-EE on energy efficiency of ICT networks OPERA-NET2 Optimisation of Power Efficiency in mobile Radio Networks TC-EE WIs on energy efficiency of radio access networks C2Power Energy saving technologies for multi-standard wireless mobile devices Geyser Qualify optical infrastructure providers and network operators with a new architecture, to enhance their traditional business operations Energy efficiency of ICTs Liaison not yet established by TC-EE Presentation organized at the TC-EE workshop 5grEEn The project team focuses on designing Green 5G Mobile networks TC-EE sent a liaison to cooperate in WIs on energy efficiency of mobile networks and on control and monitoring of equipment power consumption GreenTouch (not EU FP) Energy efficiency in all parts of the network Proposals for 1000:1 improvement in network energy efficiency (see next slide) © ETSI 2014. All rights reserved
TC ATTM & EE Coordination of activities Coordination with ATTM on energy efficiency and eco-environmental matters TC-ATTM and TC-EE chairmen have reviewed the standardization programmes on energy efficiency and eco-environmental matters of the two TCs An overview of the standardization programme on these topics have been produced to map the various WIs and avoid overlapping (see attachment) Ongoing discussion with TM6 on the remote power feeding for CPE
TC ATTM & EE Coordination of activities The eco-environmental aspects covered by ATTM and EE deliverables are classified in (1/7): Efficient General Engineering These are deliverables for the global engineering of efficient operational networking. This includes, as example,implementation of alternative efficient architectures (transmission systems, physical networks, alternative energy solutions, thermal aspects, monitoring and control etc). These deliverables are produced by ATTM and will refer to ETSI TC-EE deliverables for the infrastructure parts (e.g. alternative energy sources, power distribution, control and monitoring, cooling management, equipment energy efficiency etc.)
TC ATTM & EE Coordination of activities The eco-environmental aspects covered by ATTM and EE deliverables are classified in (2/7): Efficient Engineering These are deliverables for the engineering of efficient operational ICT infrastructures excluding cable & radio management and network architecture. This includes, as example, use of alternative energy solutions, power architectures, thermal aspects, monitoring and control, energy efficiency measurement methods etc Objective KPI This is a performance parameter assessing one of the objectives of operational energy performance which is subsequently used to define a Global KPI for energy management.
TC ATTM & EE Coordination of activities The eco-environmental aspects covered by ATTM and EE deliverables are classified in (3/7): KPI for energy consumption This is the total consumption of energy by an operational infrastructures. ATTM deliverables cover the operational aspect of the infrastructure TC-EE deliverables for equipment power consumption and network power consumption are referred in ATTM deliverables. KPI task efficiency = energy/service unit The indicator for task efficiency is the assessment of the work done (as a result of design and/or operational procedures) for a given amount of energy consumed.
TC ATTM & EE Coordination of activities The eco-environmental aspects covered by ATTM and EE deliverables are classified in (4/7): KPI “heat reuse= reused energy / consumed energy“ This parameter addresses the energy re-use in terms of transfer or conversion of energy (typically in the form of heat) produced by the operational infrastructure to perform other work. ATTM deliverables cover the operational aspect of sites TC-EE deliverables for equipment power consumption, network power consumption and power supply architectures are referred in ATTM deliverables. The LCA can also be used to measure this KPI.
TC ATTM & EE Coordination of activities The eco-environmental aspects covered by ATTM and EE deliverables are classified in (5/7): KPI “renewable energy= renewable / consumed energy“ This addresses the renewable energy produced from dedicated generation systems using resources that are naturally replenished. ATTM deliverables cover the operational aspect of sites TC-EE deliverables for equipment power consumption, network power consumption and power supply architectures are referred in ATTM deliverables. The LCA can also be used to measure this KPI.
TC ATTM & EE Coordination of standardization activities The eco-environmental aspects covered by ATTM and EE deliverables are classified in (6/7): KPI Global Indicator This KPI allows benchmarking the energy management of ICT nodes (data centres included) depending on their size in terms of energy consumption. ATTM deliverables cover the operational aspect of sites TC-EE deliverables for equipment power consumption, network power consumption and power supply architectures are referred in ATTM deliverables. The LCA can also be used to measure this KPI. Equipment design towards energy These equipment specifications are produced by ATTM and will address the equipment design aspects in the scope of their Terms of Reference
TC ATTM & EE Coordination of standardization activities The eco-environmental aspects covered by ATTM and EE deliverables are classified in (7/7): Life Cycle Assessment Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a system analytical method and model by which the potential environmental effects related to ICT Equipment, Networks, and Services can be estimated. LCAs have a cradle-to-grave scope where the life cycle stages, i.e. raw material acquisition, production, use, and end-of-life are included. Transports and energy supply are included in each life-cycle stage. The following ICT LCA applications are the most frequently used ones, but others may be identified and used: Assessment of product system environmental loading Assessment of primary energy consumption Identification of life cycle stages with high significance Comparisons of specific ICT Equipment, Networks, or Services This type of deliveravles are produced by TC-EE
reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in other sectors © ETSI 2014. All rights reserved
ETSI TBs that are contributing to emission reductions in other sectors (2) TC ITS Will reduce energy consumption in transport sector through use of ICT and new mechanisms like V2V and V2I: more efficient traffic routing avoiding congestion by making use of up-to-the-minute traffic reports identifying nearest available parking slot enabling vehicle sharing enabling multimodal transport Will also improve safety (and thus emissions) by foreseeing and avoiding collisions. EP eHealth Will reduce carbon emissions in healthcare sector by using ICT to: reduce need to travel by enabling remote diagnosis of patients reduce use of central hospital facilities © ETSI 2014. All rights reserved
ETSI TBs that are contributing to emission reductions in other sectors (3) TC M2M + oneM2M Will provide M2M network capability that will enable optimization of energy consumption in different areas: e.g. Smart Homes, Smart Cities. Will optimize electricity networks and reduce size of infrastructure through (e.g. better use of resources). Smart Grids Work is also continuing in ETSI in response to the EC Smart Grid Mandate (M/490) which will allow energy consumption to be reduced through the optimization of resources in electricity networks. A Smart Grid Architecture model has been completed that will enable interoperability between equipment. The impact of Smart Grids on the M2M platform has also been identified. M2M (Machine-to-Machine) An M2M network will enable the collection of data from many different heterogeneous sensor networks. An M2M network could, for example, enable optimization of energy consumption in different application areas: e.g. smart homes and smart street lighting. It could also enable the optimization of electricity grids and reduce the size of the infrastructure required through better use of resources. Work on M2M is being carried out in the oneM2M Partnership Project and in TC Smart M2M.
ETSI TBs that are contributing to emission reductions in other sectors (4) Smart Metering ETSI continues to undertake work in response to the EC Mandate on Smart Metering (M/441). This will enable smart utility meters (e.g. for water, gas, electricity and heat) to be deployed more cost effectively and will make users more aware of their actual consumption and allow them to reduce this accordingly. NTECH (Network Technology) This has incorporated the previous ISG (Industry Specification Group) AFI (Autonomic network engineering for the self-managing Future Internet) and is developing standards for automatic management and control of networks which will enable them to configure themselves and adapt to new requirements. This will reduce network resources required and save energy.
ETSI TBs that are contributing to emission reductions in other sectors (5) DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications) New DECT Ultra Low Energy (ULE) standards will reduce the energy consumption of DECT equipment to make it more suitable for new home applications where devices such as sensors, alarms and utility meters need to have a long (over 10 year) battery life. The availability of low energy DECT for such applications could have a mitigating effect on energy consumption in the home if used in an M2M context in conjunction with a suitable energy management system.
Contributions by ISGs to Energy Efficiency and Mitigation ISG NFV Virtualization of network functions will allow consolidation of network resources based on usage / time-of-day etc., so equipment can be shut down to achieve power savings and total energy savings by reducing cooling, etc. ISG LTN (Low Throughput Networks) This is standardizing a new ultra narrowband radio technology for very low data rates for ‘ultra long autonomy’ devices. These will be essential for the deployment of efficient and low energy M2M networks in the future. ISG SMT Defining low power modules that can be embedded into host devices. What could these enable? ISG NFV (Network Functions Virtualisation) This is developing standards for the virtualization of network functions that will allow consolidation of network resources based on usage / time-of-day etc. Network equipment can then be shut down to achieve power savings at times of low usage, and also save energy by reducing the amount of cooling required. ISG LTN (Low Throughput Networks) This is standardizing a new ultra narrowband radio technology for very low data rates for ‘ultra long autonomy’ devices. These will be essential for the deployment of efficient and low energy M2M networks in the future. ISG SMT (Surface Mount Technique) This is standardizing low power communication modules that can be embedded into host devices which could enable a number of new network applications that would not otherwise be possible due to, for example, short battery life. © ETSI 2014. All rights reserved