LEWP-RCEG Dublin April 2013 Hans Borgonjen. Platforms / Agenda LEWP - RCEG (Law Enforcement Working Party – Radio Communication Expert Group) - Forerunner.


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Presentation transcript:

LEWP-RCEG Dublin April 2013 Hans Borgonjen

Platforms / Agenda LEWP - RCEG (Law Enforcement Working Party – Radio Communication Expert Group) - Forerunner Group ‘LEWP Matrix’ + ‘3-scenario document’ CEPT-PT49 Frequency allocation studies European Commission - RSPP text TCCA - CCBG (Tetra & Critical Communication Association) (Critical Communication Broadband Group) - CCBG user+operator requirement group: ‘umbrella document’ - ‘Time line’ (Roadmap) - ‘Strategic Case’ (Business Case)

LEWP user requirement matrix high speed data Known as the “LEWP Matrix” Use it for your internal discussions Basis for CEPT PT49 Basis for ETSI for technology discussion - ETSI adds detailed figures -CEPT PT49 uses this ETSI figures - Now also ‘ETSI frequency calculation tool’ (LEWP-ETSI Matrix)

PublicSafety highspeed user requirements Type of application + services throughput p/s per session use per month per user Number of users mobility (using while moving) quality of experience (can there be a hiccup in the connection) Availability/ start-up time timelinesscontinuous operational availability (mission critical level) LOCATION DATA A(V)LS data to CCClowhigh mediumreadyhigh A(V)LS data returnmediumhighmediumhighmediumreadyhigh MULTI MEDIA Video from/to CCC for following + intervention highlowmediumhighlowready when vehicle is ready mediumhigh Video for fixed observation medium (high on hdd) highlow medium Video on location (disaster or event area) highlow mediumTake along on ad hoc basis mediumhigh; availability at Golden Hour essential Video conferencing operations mediumlow mediumlow

Type of application + services throughput p/s per session use per month per user Number of users mobility (using while moving) quality of experience (can there be a hiccup in the connection) Availability/ start-up time timelinesscontinuous operational availability (mission critical level) Photo broadcastmediumlowmediumhighlowreadylowmedium Photo to select groupmediumlow highlowreadylowmedium OFFICE APPLICATIONS PDA PIMsyncmediumhighlowhighlowreadylow Mobile workspace + (incl public internet) medium lowhighlowreadylow DOWNLOAD OPERATIONAL INFORMATION Incident information download (text + images) from CCC to fieldunits + Netcentric working mediumlowmediumlowhighreadymediumhigh

LEWP-RCEG meeting 24 october Letter LEWP to ECC, CEPT-FM, PT49 -Many references to earlier documents -Stating the importance of PT49 -Offer to continue to cooperate -Stating the earlier LEWP inputs (Matrix + 3-scenario document)

RSPP Radio Spectrum Policy Program RSPP Art. 8(3), Quote >

Presentation on behalf of the TETRA + Critical Communications Association CCBG There is a TCCA-CCBG Roadmap See presentation Emmanuelle There is an “umbrella document” with all user requirements + system requirements Based on all kind of existing URS’s There is a discussion on architecture: what in the LTE core + what in an “upper application layer”

Event Calendar 1.PT49: April Paris June Oslo 2.TCCA-CCBG CCBG 17 April Budapest TCCA-CCW May Paris (World Congress) With posibility for joining President of Interpol + EC CCBG 27 June Amsterdam CCBG 8 Oct. London 3.EC General frequency conference June Brussels EC PPDR workshop 11 July Brussels 4.Severals LTE summit June Amsterdam IIR + CCBG ‘professional LTE + spectrum Forum’ 9-11 Oct. London IIR Controlroom Dec. Vienna

CEPT-FM PT49 PT49: special working group for PPDR mobile broadband Participation of Public Safety is essential PT49 wants close relationship with LEWP LEWP Matrix is basis for frequency demand discussion in PT49 ‘Report A’ with LEWP Matrix + German study as basis Extra explanation by ‘3 Operational Scenario’s’ document + Get in contact with you national administration

Roadmap of the FM49 work FM49 main task: find harmonised radio spectrum for the future European broadband PPDR system The concept of the future European broadband PPDR system: Wide Area Network (WAN) + Ad-Hoc networks ECC Report ”A” (requirements) – 2012 ECC Report ”B” (solutions) – 2013 FM49 also supports the CEPT/ECC preparatory work for the World Radio Conference 2015 (WRC-15) Agenda Item 1.3 on the spectrum requirements for PPDR

FM49#04 meeting (14-15 June, Berlin) (1) The “Catalogue of PPDR Applications Related Requirements” was approved by FM49 and created a basis for the work on the ECC Report “A” (requirements) The work on the assessment of the necessary overall spectrum bandwidth for a BB PPDR Wide Area Network (WAN) was started based on the following assumptions: o applications: LEWP/RCEG-ETSI “Matrix of applications” o scenarios: LEWP/RCEG PP1 and PP2 scenarios o technology: LTE o frequency ranges: 400 MHz and 700 MHz (other candidate frequency bands are also under discussion)

Result PT49 ECC report A In report A the ‘requirements’ en in report B the ‘solutions’. In report A: General description PPDR ‘operational framework’, Concept future PPDR BB (WAN + ad-hoc networks), PPDR Application related requirements (LEWP/RCEG-ETSI Matrix + scenarios), Operational requirements for WAN (‘terrestrial fixed network’), Spectrum demands for WAN (from correspondence Group + ETSI calculation tool) Chapters on ‘non-WAN’ services: DMO, AGA, Ad-hoc networks Chapter on voice (consequences if in future voice goes over the LTE network) + annex from ETSI with calculation on spectrum consequences of it Rapport A also contains definition of terminologies

Report A For the WAN there are several calculations made (uplink, downlink, optimistic + pessimistic link-budget, users at edge of a cell etc.) Overall result is (minimum) 2x 10 MHz needed as harmonised ‘core band’, with the possibility to have more (or less) on a national basis. This is without AGA, DMO, ‘voice over LTE’, extra capacity for ad-hoc networks. ETSI calculation for ‘voice over LTE’ gives an estimation that an other 2x3,2 MHz is needed (based on comparable functionality with Tetra). Hybrid solution is mentioned as a good mix between partly dedicated and partly using commercial operator. In Report A is this flexibility clearly indicated.