Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica Standardization Activities Telefónica I+D Juan Fernandez-Palacios Telefonica I+D. CAON co-chair.


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Presentation transcript:

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica Standardization Activities Telefónica I+D Juan Fernandez-Palacios Telefonica I+D. CAON co-chair

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica  Methodology for Task Forces creation  Tentative Tasks Forces: FSAN IETF OGF  Next Steps Potential Standardization Task Forces within CAON

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica  Identification of common standardization interests among different projects  Continuation of standardization activities started in previous projects  Joint standardization activities Rationale behind Standardization Task Forces

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica Methodology for Task Forces creation CAON Project coordinator 1.- CAON distributes the template to project coordinators 2.-Project coordinators send the filled template back to CAON board 3.-Identification of Task Forces composed by people from diffrenet projects with similar standardization interests Task Forces 4.-Periodic con f.calls and meetings within each Task Force

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica FSAN standardization Task Force TechnologiesProject NGPON-2 (Ring Tree) NGPON-2 (OFDM) WDM-10G TDM PON ACCORDANCE Potential sinergies and collaboration activities in NG-PON2 standardization at FSAN FIVER SARDANA ALPHA (*) (*) ALPHA also contributed to POF standardization at ETSI OASE??

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica IETF Standardization Task Force TechnologiesIntra-carrierInter-carrier Single DomainMultidomain Packet Switching (IP, MPLS-TP, etc) Wavelength Switching Sub-wavelength Switching IT and network integration (Cross Stratum) MAINS (CCAMP, PCE, MPLS-TP OAM) GEYSERS (CSO)c STRONGEST (PCE, MPLS-TP OAM) ONE ETICS (PCE, CCAMP, PCN, CDNI, …), Lots of potential sinergies and collaboration activities within IETF GEYSERS

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica OGF Standardization Task Force TechnologiesProjects On demand Infrastructure Services Network Service- Interface MAINS (OGF-NSI WG ) GEYSERS (ISOD-RG) Some collaboration activities might also be possible within OGF

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica Some standardization for a are targeted by single projects Standardization Fora Project TMF OIF ETSI ITU-T SG5 STRONGEST ETICS Potential sinergies and collaboration activities with IETF Task Force

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica  Task Forces definition and kick-off  Contribution to CAON White Paper Next Steps

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica ANNEX: Standardization activities per project 9

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica  Project name: ETICS  Main topics of interest on standardization: Control Plane: inter-carrier control protocols for the path computation, signaling and monitoring under QoS constraints, congestion control and CDN inteconnect Service/business plane: B2B processes for the negotiation and set up and monitoring of inter-carrier SLA  Targeted standardization fora: IETF (PCE, CCAMP, PCN, CDNI, …), OIF (E-NNI) TMF (IPsphere mainly)  Standardization status: IETF: draft-pouyllau-pce-enhanced-errors-02, draft-ietf-pcn-encoding-comparison, draft- ietf-pcn-signaling-requirements, draft-bertrand-cdni-use-cases, draft-georgiades-opsawg- intercar-oam-req-00 OIF: Recovery amendment to E-NNI 2.0 signaling in a multi-domain context TMF: liaison TMF-ETICS set-up, presentation of ETICS during the team action week in Paris, Jan  Main contacts: [nicolas.le_sauze, Standardization interests template

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica  Project name: GEYSERS  Main topics of interest on standardization: IT & network convergence  Targeted standardization fora: IRTF / IETF  Standardization status: Main concepts of Network + IT Provisioning Service (NIPS) › CSO workshops at 80 & 81 IETF meetings › Cloud Computing and Cross Stratum Optimization Workshop GEYSERS contributions for CSO will focus on: › Business models and use cases for cloud & network integration and optimization › Cross Stratum Interfaces for coordinated and on-demand resource provisioning, network queries, joint monitoring and recovery  Main contacts: Giada Landi, Nextworks – Nicola Ciulli, Nextworks – GEYSERS standardization interests in CSO (Cross Stratum Optimization) at IETF

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica  Project name: GEYSERS  Main topics of interest on standardization: On-Demand Infrastructure Services  Targeted standardization fora: ISOD-RG at OGF  Standardization status: The ISOD-RG is looking at the general approach to provisioning infrastructure services on-demand, including: Architectural framework for combined provisioning of network and IT resource › Positioning it as architectural framework for Cloud IaaS service model Common Information Modeling Framework for converged infrastructure services Service Delivery Framework (SDF) defining virtualised infrastructure services lifecycle Specific ISOD-RG deliverables will include › Basic Use Cases and Best Current Practice (BCP) in infrastructure service virtualisation and provisioning on-demand › Requirements to provisioning optical network infrastructures for Cloud IaaS service model  Main contacts: Yuri Demchenko, UvA - Joan Antoni Garcia, i2CAT - GEYSERS standardization interests in ISOD-RG - Infrastructure Services On-Demand provisioning Research Group at OGF

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica A. Di Giglio Standardization in STRONGEST  Energy efficiency and power consumption liaison with ETSI EE contacts with ITU-T SG 5  Resource and admission control contacts with ETSI TISPAN  Path computation element (PCE) for GMPLS presented some contributions for PCEP extension in IETF  End-to-end OAM preliminary investigation on reaction of standardiza t ion about mechanisms for multi-domain multi-carrier OAM Standardization manager: Klaus Pulverer (NSN)

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica  Project name: STRONGEST  Main topics of interest on standardization: control plane extensions  Targeted standardization fora: IETF  Standardization status: PCEP Extensions for GMPLS. This provides extensions for the Path Computation Element communication Protocol (PCEP) for the support of GMPLS control plane. Contributions were brought to the IETF draft draft-ietf-pce-gmpls-pcep-extensions-01 PCEP Extensions for Temporary Reservation. The contribution proposes an extension to the PCEP protocol to allow the PCC to request the PCE to block or reserve the resources computed in a path request of a TE LSP for subsequent requests for a certain time. The relevant draft is draft-gonzalezdedios-pce-resv-res-context-state-00 PCE Extensions for Multi-Domain P2MP Path Computation. The contribution describes the procedures and extensions to the PCE communication Protocol (PCEP) to handle requests and responses for the computation of inter-domain paths for P2MP TE LSPs. The target of the contribution was draft-zhao-pce-pcep-inter-domain-p2mp-procedures-06  Main contacts: Oscar Gonzalez de Dios (Telefonica I+D) Ramon Casellas (CTTC) STRONGEST standardization interests in IETF

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica  PCEP Extensions for GMPLS. This provides extensions for the Path Computation Element communication Protocol (PCEP) for the support of GMPLS control plane. Contributions were brought to the IETF draft draft-ietf-pce-gmpls-pcep-extensions-03  PCEP Extensions for Temporary Reservation. The contribution proposes an extension to the PCEP protocol to allow the PCC to request the PCE to block or reserve the resources computed in a path request of a TE LSP for subsequent requests for a certain time. The relevant draft is draft-gonzalezdedios-pce-resv-res-context-state-00  PCE Extensions for Multi-Domain P2MP Path Computation. The contribution describes the procedures and extensions to the PCE communication Protocol (PCEP) to handle requests and responses for the computation of inter-domain paths for P2MP TE LSPs. The target of the contribution was draft-zhao-pce-pcep-inter-domain-p2mp-procedures-07  PCEP Extension for WSON Routing and Wavelength Assignment. This contribution extends the PCEP protocol for flexible Routing and Wavelength Assignment in Wavelength Switched Optical Networks. Current working draft is draft-lee-pce-wson-rwa-ext-02.tx  Extensions to Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) for Hierarchical Path Computation Elements (PCE). This document defines the Path Computation Element Protocol (PCEP) extensions for the purpose of implementing hierarchical PCE procedures which are described in [PCE-HIERARCHY-FWK]. Relevant draft draft-zhang-pce-hierarchy-extensions-00  Methods and extensions / standard way to represent domain sequences in various deployment scenarios, including P2P, P2MP and HPCE, involved draft: draft-dhody-pce-pcep-domain-sequence-01 Some of these contributions are still at early stages, potentially being merged, replaced, etc. Also, note that the PCE WG re-chartered a few weeks ago, so it is expected that some of the individual drafts will be proposed / adopted as working group items (e.g. the poll for adoption of draft-zhao-pce-pcep-inter-domain-p2mp-procedures-06 closed recently) Finally, testing in the scope of WP3 and WP4 identified problems regarding PCEP transport (TCP ports) which have been addressed as erratas to RFC5440 (main PCEP RFC) regarding, notably port restrictions . STRONGEST standardization interests in IETF in details

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica  Project name: STRONGEST  Main topics of interest on standardization: resource and admission control, energy efficiency  Targeted standardization fora: ETSI  Standardization status: A first contact with ETSI TISPAN has been made, and it is intended to present STRONGEST there in the next year. Once a suitable RACS extension has been defined within STRONGEST, it is planned to contribute it to TISPAN. A first presentation of the STRONGEST project and its goals has been made to ETSI EE, and a liaison exchange has been started in order to gain access to latest ETSI work and to inform EE about positions and developments at STRONGEST. It is expected that STRONGEST extensions to the metric will be contributed to ETSI EE once the work has sufficiently progressed.  Main contacts: Luca Bincoletto (Telecom Italia) - TISPAN Marco Quagliotti (Telecom Italia) – ETSI EE STRONGEST standardization interests in ETSI

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica  Project name: MAINS  Main topics of interest on standardization: Control Plane: GMPLS extensions for subwavelength optical switching Network-Service Interface over subwavelength networks MPLS-TP OAM  Targeted standardization fora: IRTF, IETF (PCE, CCAMP, MPLS-TP, …) ITU-T (MPLS-TP OAM) OGF-NSI WG in particular to Grid High-Performance Networking Research Group (GHPN- RG) and the Network Service Interface Working Group (NSI_WG).  Standardization status: IETF:  Main contacts: GMPLS, MPLS-TP: Juan Fernandez-Palacios, Oscar Gonzalez de Dios NSI: Javier Aracil Rico Standardization interests template

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica  Project name: FIVER (“Fully-Converged Quintuple-Play Integrated Optical-Wireless Access Architectures”)  Main topics of interest on standardization: OFDM-on-FTTH and Multi-Radio-on-FTTH  Targeted standardization fora: FSAN, ETSI  Standardization status: Initial contact  Main contacts: Roberto Llorente ) Antonio Gamelas Standardization interests template

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica Standardization and regulation in FIVER 19 FIVER DEVELOPS A LONG-REACH, DEEP, MULTI-SERVICE, OFDM-BASED WDM-FTTH ARCHITECTURE OFDM-based wireless signals are transmitted in coexistence on radio-over-fibre (OFDM-on- FTTH) targeting Long-Reach (up to 100 km)

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica Standardization in SARDANA  SARDANA project targets a practical transparent approach to Access&Metro Convergence.  Presence and contribution to FSAN mainly: Optically converged Hybrid Ring-Tree WDM-TDM Metro-Access Architecture › Passive Ring-Tree Interface (Remote Node) Multi-operability, scalability and transparency.  List of FSAN meeting attended : Japan – Kyoto, Lake Biwako November 2009 USA – San Francisco February 2010 China – Beijing April 2010 Europe - Munich - September 2010 USA – Las Vegas – November 2010 Japan – Tokyo – January 2011  Three persons of SARDANA project were participating at FSAN meetings, from FT-Orange, IT and ISCOM.

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica Standardization activities Poster about SARDANA during 2009 Kyoto meeting (and to ECOC’09) a presentation on "Interest in NGPON2 at FT" with the Sardana solution, (Kyoto) Call For Contribution on extended reach and topics for NG-PON2 workshop as Wavelength Stacking, Central Office Consolidation, Achievable Optical Budget projections. White Paper on the drivers, requirements, and technologic evolutions for NG-PON2 : introducing the concept of SARDANA ring-tree solutions. Several publications in Sardana (ECOC'09, ICTON’10) describe and specify key Sardana elements (like the ring-tree Remote Node) in terms of Standardization, as proposals for NGPON2. In every Sardana plenary meeting, the FT, IT and ISCOM partners, that attended these Standardization meetings, updated the Sardana partner representatives (with the required confidentiality) with the latest recommendations, so the designs have been aligned at every time as much as possible.

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica Optical Distribution Network (ODN) architectures Pure power splitter-based ODNPure power splitter-based ODN with multiple downstream or upstream wavelengths Pure WDM-based ODNHybrid ODN with WDM device and power splitter More advanced topology ODN with WDM device and power splitter

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica FSAN meeting  Presentation and poster: ”Transparent Ring-Tree WDM/TDM-PON Architecture” (proposal of Sardana architecture for NGPON2) Remote Node as new Network Element  Philippe Chanclou (Orange), Antonio Teixeira (IT), Josep Prat (UPC), and the rest of the Sardana Consortium.  Kyoto ● November 2009 Supporting ITU Standards The presented ring- tree ngPON2 architecture enables resilient 10G/2.5G access to scalable 1024 customers distributed in 100Km with 32 wavelengths, achieving: higher performances › L, ONUs, BW, resilience, at a similar cost › passive PON, refl.ONU.. maximum compatibility › with ngPON

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica SARDANA inter-operability & multi-operability  Architecture/system requirements: › SARDANA is designed for residential, business and mobile backhaul. › Highlight requirements : › Power saving, › Authentication/identification/encryption › DBA › QoS and traffic management › Ethernet packet size / synchronization › Architecture

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica SARDANA inter-operability & multi-operability  Multi-operability Proposition of multi-operability models

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica SARDANA multi-operability Physical layer L2/L3  Based on physical layer Proposition of multi-operability models › Separate wavelength › same or separate trees  Layers 2/3 (bit-stream)

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica Access: Key parts of the WDM 10G TDM PON were presented to FSAN/ITU. By closely following the work in the XMD MSA (10 Gbit/s miniature device multi-source agreement), 3S Photonics succeeded in being the first company to implement a SFF TOSA (Small Form Factor Transmitter Optical Sub Assembly) module according to this standard. Acreo’s work on GMPLS in a unified control plane for an integrated access/distribution network was based on existing standards, and specific extensions (to include various flavours of Ethernet into the GMPLS framework) have been proposed. The target body is IETF. Home: A specification for POF home networking (ETSI TS ): Contribution to basic document and amendments (and a proposal for further actions (as described in this Deliverable) Passive structured cabling infrastructure (EN and ISO/IEC 11018) via DKE-715 working group with active contribution regarding home network architecture, experience from field trials and proposing extensions and amendments. POF connectors (ISO/IEC 61754) by contributions with results from measurements and field trials (Telekomunikacja Polska, Telefonica I+D, Homefibre) Gigabit Ethernet Standardisation DKE working group with contribution regarding home network architecture, technical concepts and system requirements as well as technical solutions, testing results and measurements-

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica 28 Accordance Project ( ) The ACCORDANCE STREP project investigates on a new paradigm for the access network: The introduction of OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access) into a Passive Optical Network (PON) architecture offering at the same time optical backhauling for wireless and copper- based networks.

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica 29 Standardization Areas  Converged Optical Access Networks metro/access convergence fixed/mobile networks convergence  Main topics of interests mptp PHY mptp MAC  Addressed bodies FSAN (Full Service Access Networks) › NG-PON2 › beyond ITU-T, SG-15

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica 30 Activities  FSAN Presentations FSAN meeting Feb 2010 SFO FSAN meeting May 2011 Berlin  FSAN contributions FSAN Vendor White Paper › on OFDM access technology › Accordance approach

Área: Lorem ipsum Razón Social: Telefónica 31 Accordance Standardization Contact  Dr. Thomas Pfeiffer Alcatel-Lucent, Bell Labs Germany, Stuttgart  Tel 