‘Live Lighter’ Campaign
Target Audience of ‘Live Lighter’ South Gloucestershire residents - particularly family groups South Gloucestershire Council staff
To get across the message of the 10:10 campaign to reduce CO 2 emissions (Council signed up in November 2009) To encourage behaviour change in a positive way To give simple, achievable actions that people could carry out that would reduce CO 2 emissions To show that this could be done in a fun way (recipe cards) that would appeal to a broad spectrum of S.Glos residents To show that behaviour change could have positive outcomes –better quality of life –more family engagement –saving money –increasing well-being. Aim of ‘Live Lighter’ campaign
S.Glos Council’s Environmental Policy Reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions Reduce energy use and increase development and use of renewable energy Reduce transport emissions Reduce waste and increase reuse and recycling Use water efficiently and sustainably manage the water environment Use materials efficiently and procure materials and services from sustainable sources Prevent pollution of land, water and air Protect and enhance biodiversity Use land wisely and conserve and enhance local environmental quality
‘Live Lighter’ Chose 5 themes taken from the 10:10 campaign Designed banners to encourage living lighter on the earth around the themes Hot air balloon image to convey theme 5 recipe cards reflecting each theme Top tips – on each card and in each recipe Bright ideas – fun, inviting
‘Bright Idea’ Recipe Card 3
‘Walk More’ Recipe Card & Top Tips
‘Eat Well’ Recipe Card & Top Tips
External Events Eco Fair – Sustainable Thornbury (22 May) Environment Day celebrations – MOD (3 June) National Families Week – 6 June Open Farm Sunday – Grimsbury Farm (13 June) Thornbury Food Fair – 19 June Revel (Pucklechurch) – 19 June St Helen’s Summer Fair – 27 June Forest Fest (Warmley) – 17 July Girl Guiding Event (Dyrham Park) – 14 August Safer & Stronger Parish Matters Event – 29 September (Kendleshire Golf Club) South Gloucestershire Local Food & Drink Festival launch – 2 October Chipping Sodbury Food Festival – 9 October Orchard Harvest Day – Winterbourne Barn – 10 October Engage Festival (WISE Campus) – 16 October It’s Your World event – 16 October