The Dead Zone: The Dead Zone: Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico
What is the dead zone?
Little or no oxygen is present Little or no marine life can survive Condition that occurs in coastal waters where:
The term for low oxygen is hypoxia. Hypoxia=<2 mg/l dissolved oxygen (DO)
The term for no oxygen is anoxia. Anoxia =0 mg/l dissolved oxygen
Where does hypoxia occur?
Hypoxia occurs all over the world in coastal waters.
United States Canada France Italy Greece Turkey Russia Sea of Azov Adriatic Sea Aegean Sea Mediterranean Sea Ireland Scotland Sweden Norway Finland Spain Germany Japan Hong Kong Australia New Zealand
In the U.S., hypoxia occurs in coastal waters in New York, Maryland, North Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Texas and Louisiana.
In Louisiana, the dead zone occurs west of the Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers
When does the dead zone occur?
In Louisiana, hypoxia occurs from late spring until late summer.
Why is the dead zone a problem?
The dead zone can affect: Benthos Fisheries People
Stressed or die Decreased diversity Degraded environment Benthos
Food base is reduced and/or lost Habitat is reduced and/or lost Recruitment is disrupted Migratory patterns are disrupted Species diversity is reduced Mortality increases Fisheries
Commercial fisheries Recreational fisheries Tourism Economy People
The dead zone decreases the ability of the Gulf to produce seafood. This affects the local economy.
Louisiana has one of the largest coastal dead zones in the world.
How large is Louisiana’s dead zone?
Since 1985, the dead zone has ranged in size from about 100 square miles in 1988 to over 8,500 square miles in 2002.
The size of the dead zone depends upon the conditions that cause it.
What causes hypoxia?
A combination of physical, chemical and biological factors create conditions for hypoxia in Louisiana.
Warm spring and summer temperatures heat the water surface. Warm Temperatures
Calm seas decrease oxygen exchange at the surface. O2O2
Nutrients Warm fresh water and nutrients are delivered by the Mississippi River and float on the denser saltwater.
A stratified layer is formed with lighter, fresher, warmer water at the surface and heavier, saltier, cooler water near the bottom limiting oxygen mixing throughout the water column. Lighter Fresher Warmer Water Stratified Layer Heavier Saltier Cooler Water No O 2 mixing
The Mississippi River drains 41% of the lower 48 United States. It carries water and sediment hundreds of miles to the Gulf of Mexico.
The Mississippi River also carries nutrients.
Excess nutrients from runoff are carried to the Gulf of Mexico.
Nutrients include compounds which contain: Phosphorus Nitrogen Silica
Nutrients that are carried by the river come from a variety of sources.
Fertilizers Cattle, pig and poultry farm runoff Atmosphere Wastewater treatment Municipal & industrial runoff
Microscopic algae or phytoplankton use these nutrients to reproduce.
Excess nutrients enable plankton populations to explode, causing a plankton or algal bloom.
At the surface, plankton blooms occur when excess nutrients are present Plankton bloom
When plankton die, they sink and decompose
When plankton die, they sink to the bottom and decompose. During decomposition bacteria use up most or all of the available oxygen. Dead Plankton No O 2 Decomposers
During decomposition, bacteria use up most or all of the oxygen causing the water column to become hypoxic or anoxic.
Stationary animals become stressed and/or die Mobile animals become stressed and leave
When little or no oxygen is present: Mobile animals leave. Stationary animals become stressed or die.
Fresh River Water Warm Temperatures Plankton Bloom Dead Plankton No O 2 Lighter, Fresher, Warmer, Water Stratified Layer Heavier, Saltier, Cooler, Water Decomposers O2O2 No O 2 Mixing Nutrients
Human activities contribute to the causes of hypoxia
Land use practices Fertilizer use Poor management practices
Agriculture Industry Flood control Urban expansion Lead to: Loss of natural habitat Changes in land use from
What can be done?
Change flood control practices Use fertilizers more efficiently Control discharges of nitrogen Create and restore wetlands Reduce nutrient loading Manage the whole system