World Pattern of Climate Mr Rylatt 16 April 2017
World Pattern of Climate Understand factors affecting the world pattern of climate Be able to recognise the variations and locations of climate types Mr Rylatt 16 April 2017
World Climate Zones Insolation Revolution & Rotation Atmospheric Composition Ocean & Continent Distribution Topography Local Variations Polar - very cold and dry all year Temperate - cold winters and mild summers Arid - dry, hot all year Tropical - hot and wet all year Mediterranean - mild winters, dry hot summers Mountains (tundra) very cold all year Mr Rylatt 16 April 2017
Mr Rylatt 16 April 2017
Salvador Mr Rylatt 16 April 2017
Major Factors Affecting the World Pattern of Climate Insolation variations Revolution and Rotation Atmospheric Composition Ocean & Continent Distribution Topography Local Variations Mr Rylatt 16 April 2017
Local Variations Sea & Land Breezes Anabatic & Katabatic Winds Aspect Mr Rylatt 16 April 2017
Local Variations – Sea Breezes Any problems? Ruin day at beach – colder Wind shear Inshore boating Mr Rylatt 16 April 2017
Local Variations – Land Breezes Weaker & less common than sea breezes Dependant on local topography Mr Rylatt 16 April 2017
Anabatic Winds An anabatic wind is a wind which blows up a steep slope or mountain-side during the day, driven by sunshine heating the slope. A hill or mountain-top is warmed by the sun, which in turn heats the air just above it. This air becomes relatively warmer and lighter than other air at a similar altitude over an adjacent valley which does not get warmed as much because of the greater distance to the ground below it and / or if it is in shade. This warmer, lighter air will rise through convection, creating a lower-pressure region into which the higher-pressure air at the bottom of the slope gets drawn, causing the wind. Mr Rylatt 16 April 2017
Katabatic Winds Opposite of Anabatic Wind, downslope movement as air cools. Can form fog or mist at bottom of slope in valley Mr Rylatt 16 April 2017