Post harvest diseases of bhendi Alternaria rot - Alternaria alternata Rhizoctonia rot - Rhizoctonia solani
Alternaria rot Alternaria alternata Dark grey, slightly sunken irregular lesion, developing lengthwise Grey cottony mycelial mat bearing conidia appeared on the surface of developing lesions When diseased pod cut transversally – blackened necrotic tissues
Fungus Conidiophores - simple straight or curved, sometimes branched Yellow brown to medium golden brown colour Conidia - transverse and longitudinal septa, pale to dark brown in colour, produced in short chains
Rhizoctonia rot Rhizoctonia solani Pod - greenish color turning brown, and the infected tissues fully covered with mycelia Internally, immature seeds and placenta were infected and the diseased tissues were light brown to black Externally, mycelia tend to be fluffy and lighter in color, forming a large number of dark sclerotia on the fruit surface Pods showing distinct degrees of rotting Rotting of placenta tissues and immature seeds
Fungus Produces pycnidia and sclerotia Pycnidiospores - hyaline, single celled, ovate to ellipsoid Mode of spread and survival R. solani overwinters in soils as mycelia on plant debris and as dark brown sclerotia that remain in soil for long periods Control Plant debris from previous crops should be removed before planting Quintozene – sprayed in the soil before sowing-effective control
Phoma canker (Phoma exigua) Water soaked lesion appear on fruits Black spots with irregular margin Black area - pycnidial formation 80-90% fruit loss post harvest rot of okra pods rhizoctonia solani in brazil Completely rotted, the pod's typical greenish color turning brown and the infected tissues fully covered with mycelia Internally, immature seeds and placenta infected Diseased tissues were light brown to black . Externally, mycelia tend to be fluffy and lighter in color, forming a large number of dark sclerotia on the fruit surface