G. Daskalakis “Exotic resonances & MSSM Higgs searches at CMS/LHC” - 3 rd Annual INPP Meeting (17 June 2013) 1 Search for exotic resonances & MSSM Higgs bosons at CMS/LHC G. Daskalakis
G. Daskalakis “Exotic resonances & MSSM Higgs searches at CMS/LHC” - 3 rd Annual INPP Meeting (17 June 2013) 2 CMS Experiment LHC machine stopped p-p collisions mid-December CMS detector performance was excellent! ~ 250 papers in various physics topics. 8 TeV
G. Daskalakis “Exotic resonances & MSSM Higgs searches at CMS/LHC” - 3 rd Annual INPP Meeting (17 June 2013) Activities in CMS RUNNIG PHASE Service Work - ECAL Dead Channel recovery algorithms - FAST SIMULATION validation PHYSICS ANALYSIS Exotic Searches ( Z’ e + e - : ~ 5 fb , full data 2013 ) Exotic Searches ( W’ WZ (lv)(jj) : ongoing ) MSSM Higgs Searches ( A Zh llbb : ongoing ) EDUCATION Practice work (Marios Maroudas, University of Patras) “Theories that predict additional heavy W’ & Z’ bosons” CMS ARC (Analysis Review Committee) Electron Charge Asymmetry in Inclusive W Production (SMP ) Published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, (2012) ( G.D. served as ARC chair) International Conferences (on behalf of CMS) Standard LHC 2012 (Inclusive W & Z measurements in CMS)
G. Daskalakis “Exotic resonances & MSSM Higgs searches at CMS/LHC” - 3 rd Annual INPP Meeting (17 June 2013) Service for INPP Service Work for “ ΚΡΗΠΙΣ ” euros
G. Daskalakis “Exotic resonances & MSSM Higgs searches at CMS/LHC” - 3 rd Annual INPP Meeting (17 June 2013) 5 Z’ e + e - Searches (2012) Phys. Lett. B 720 (2013) 63 Part of the INPP obligations THALIS program ( ) INPP team : V.Giakoumopoulou, S.Kesisoglou, G.Daskalakis Well integrated within EXOTICA CMS group. More details from V.Giakoumopoulou.
G. Daskalakis “Exotic resonances & MSSM Higgs searches at CMS/LHC” - 3 rd Annual INPP Meeting (17 June 2013) 6 Z e + e - Searches (2012) Z ' e + e - Searches (2012) Data samples: 5.3 fb -1 (7 TeV) fb -1 (8 TeV) The full 8 TeV dataset (20 fb -1 ) was also analyzed in Results: No evidence for a heavy narrow resonance is observed. Exclusion limits: - Sequential Standard Model Z' SSM resonance lighter than 2590 GeV, - Superstring-inspired Z' Ψ lighter than 2260 GeV, - Kaluza-Klein gravitons lighter than 2390 (2030) GeV, assuming that the coupling parameter k/Μ Pl is 0.10 (0.05).
G. Daskalakis “Exotic resonances & MSSM Higgs searches at CMS/LHC” - 3 rd Annual INPP Meeting (17 June 2013) 7 Z e + e - Searches (PDF Uncertainties) Z ' e + e - Searches (PDF Uncertainties) Goal: PDF uncertainties for the normalized DY cross sections to the Z peak. Directly used in the Z’ search. Details: Full study in NNLO & NLO in QCD. PDF sets: MSTW2008, CTEQ12, NNPDF21 Cross section estimations: Fully Exclusive W and Z package, FEWZ [2], at 68% C.L. Results: 250 GeV ~ 3-4% relative uncertainty 3 TeV ~ 33% -//-
G. Daskalakis “Exotic resonances & MSSM Higgs searches at CMS/LHC” - 3 rd Annual INPP Meeting (17 June 2013) 8 Z e + e - Searches (PDF Uncertainties) Z ' e + e - Searches (PDF Uncertainties) PDF uncertainty of the cross section ratios versus the di-lepton invariant mass. PDF4LHC recipe applied on NNLO estimations from MSTW2008, CTEQ12 and NNPDF21 PDF sets. NNLO/NLO cross sections for MSTW2008, CTEQ12 and NNPDF21 PDF versus the di- lepton invariant mass. NNLO calculations with different PDF sets introduces uncertainties which are not covered by the PDF4LHC recipe for NNLO uncertainties based on NLO extrapolations.
G. Daskalakis “Exotic resonances & MSSM Higgs searches at CMS/LHC” - 3 rd Annual INPP Meeting (17 June 2013) 9 ECAL Energy Recovery Algorithms INPP team : V.Giakoumopoulou, S.Kesisoglou, G.Daskalakis Well integrated within ECAL Detector Performance CMS group. More details from S.Kesisoglou Goals/Results: Recovery of the energy of non- functioning ECAL crystals. Corrections for isolated electrons or photons. Corrections for ECAL Barrel & Endcaps. Official code in CMS Framework. To be used by several physics studies & searches.
G. Daskalakis “Exotic resonances & MSSM Higgs searches at CMS/LHC” - 3 rd Annual INPP Meeting (17 June 2013) 10 ECAL Energy Recovery Algorithms Energy resolution in ECAL Barrel
G. Daskalakis “Exotic resonances & MSSM Higgs searches at CMS/LHC” - 3 rd Annual INPP Meeting (17 June 2013) 11 W' WZ lvjj Searches Part of the INPP obligations THALIS program ( ) INPP team : S.Kesisoglou, G.Daskalakis, K. Kousouris (CERN) First steps in the analysis & feasibility studies. More details from S.Kesisoglou. Results from W' lv EXO EXO-12-14
G. Daskalakis “Exotic resonances & MSSM Higgs searches at CMS/LHC” - 3 rd Annual INPP Meeting (17 June 2013) 12 MSSM Higgs Searches Part of the INPP obligations THALIS program ( ) INPP team : V.Giakoumopoulou, G.Anagnostou, T. Geralis, G. Daskalakis Integrated within Hbb & HiggsEXO CMS groups. Details from V.Giakoumopoulou. Looking for the CP-odd pseudoscalar Higgs (A) via its decay into a Z boson and the lighter CP-even scalar Higgs (h) which might be the Higgs-like boson recently discovered. Main production mechanism for A: gg A, pp bbA. Largest Br(A Zh) : low tan & M z +M h M A 2M top. First steps in the analysis & feasibility studies.
G. Daskalakis “Exotic resonances & MSSM Higgs searches at CMS/LHC” - 3 rd Annual INPP Meeting (17 June 2013) 13 MSSM Higgs Searches A. Djouadi & J. Quevillon: arXiv: v1 [hep-ph] 5 Apr 2013 Implication of Higgs discovery at M h = 126 GeV SUSY scale in MSSM might be high M S >>M Z The unknown scale M S and some other leading SUSY parameters can be traded against the measured value of M h, leaving only M A & tanβ as free parameters in the Higgs sector. Phenomenological consequence of high MS values reopen the low tanβ region, tanβ 3-5
G. Daskalakis “Exotic resonances & MSSM Higgs searches at CMS/LHC” - 3 rd Annual INPP Meeting (17 June 2013) 14 SUMMARY model