Chapter 2.2. The moon rotates as it orbits 240,000 mi away from the earth It would take a jet 20 days to get to the moon You always see the same side.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 2.2

The moon rotates as it orbits 240,000 mi away from the earth It would take a jet 20 days to get to the moon You always see the same side (near side)of the moon It always keeps one side turned toward Earth The moon turns once on it own axis each time it orbits earth.

Moon’s Surface Mare (MAH-ray): The dark areas on the moon. Solidified lava Created when the moon was young and craters filled in with lava. Lunar Highlands: The lighter colored areas They are at higher altitudes Rocky

The Moon has layers. core mantle crust Structure of the Moon

The moon reflects the sun’s light. Have ever seen the Moon in the daylight? It is not as noticeable but you can see during the day sometimes. What you see as moonlight is really light the Sun reflected by the Moon’s surface. It takes about a month for the Moon to orbit the earth and go through all of the phases.

Positions of the Sun and Moon affect Earth. Lunar phases are different views of the Moon’s sunlit half. Moon Earth 2.3 VISUALIZATION CLASSZONE.COM Explore lunar phases.

Shadows in space cause eclipses Eclipse: An event during which one object in space casts a shadow onto another. On Earth, a lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon moves through Earth’s shadow. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon’s shadow crosses Earth.

Eclipse umbra The dark, central region of a shadow, such as the cone of complete shadow cast by an object. Penumbra A region of lighter shadow that may surround an umbra; for example, the spreading cone of lighter shadow cast by a space object. umbra penumbra

The Moon’s gravity causes tides as Earth turns Moon low tide High tide rotation of Earth