Masato Yamanaka (ICRR, University of Tokyo) Collaborators Junji Hisano, Kazunori Nakayama Shohei Sugiyama, Tomohiro Takesako
Introduction Attractive SUSY breaking scenario Gauge-Mediated SUSY Breaking (GMSB) SUSY flavor problem ✓ SUSY CP problem ✓ Dark matter problem ✓ ???
Introduction Shortcomings from the view point of dark matter Gravitino problem [The CDMS-II Collaboration, arXiv: ] [M.~Kawasaki, K.~Kohri and T.~Moroi, PRD71, 2005] Motivation Constraint on reheating temperature Inconsistent with direct detection experiment Gauge-mediated SUSY breaking scenario free from cosmological problems
Model Key point of our scenario Introduction of extra chiral supermultiplet (H’, H’) Fundamental rep. of SU(2) Fundamental rep. of SU(3) (H’, H’ ) cc Extra Z -parity 2 SM particles even Extra particles odd WIMP dark matter : Lightest extra particle
Model Key point of our scenario Introduction of Extra chiral supermultiplet (H’, H’) Fundamental rep. of SU(2) Fundamental rep. of SU(3) (H’, H’ ) cc s’ Singlet scalar Dark matter : mixing state of H’, H, and s’ Suppression of vector coupling with nucleon
Model Soft SUSY breaking term Superpotential
Model Identification of dark matter and its mass
Direct detection of dark matter Connection between elemental int. and DM-nucleon int. Cross section Effective coupling between neutralino and nucleon : h (H ) - - coupling 0 0 : h (H ) - q - q Yukawa coupling 0 0
Direct detection of dark matter Connection between elemental int. and DM-nucleon int. Cross section Effective coupling between dark matter and nucleon : Mass diagonalizing matrix
Direct detection of dark matter Fermionic dark matter bosonic dark matter
Direct detection of dark matter Parameter space for reproducing CDMS II result
Collider signatures For the confirmation of our model Discovery of extra Higgs bosons and its superpartner Lighter extra Higgsino Heavier extra Higgsino H’ L 0 ~ H 0, ~ H ± ~ (dark matter)
Collider signatures Integrated luminosity 100 fb Discovery at 5 level for = < 220 GeV m H’ ~ H 0 m ~ H ±
Collider signatures C ~ H’ Long lived particle : Colored extra Higgsino ∴ Suppressed decay ope. Hadronization into charged particle Observable for determination C ~ H’ m
Summary We have proposed a new model with extended Higgs sector in gauge-mediated SUSY breaking scenario We have predicted the direct detection rate of dark matter in our model Extra Higgs boson or its superpartner play a role of WIMP dark matter in our model We have discussed the confirmation of our model at the LHC It is possible to reproduce CDMS II events Extra Higgsinos could be discovered at 5 level when they are lighter than 220 GeV
Direct detection of dark matter Connection between elemental int. and DM-nucleon int. Cross section Quark density in a nucleon from experiments and Lattice simulation