Hues are the family of twelve purest and brightest colors. 3 Primary Colors 3 Secondary Colors 6 Tertiary Colors They form the full spectrum of colors which progress around the Primary Color Wheel in gradual increments.
A Tint is sometimes called a Pastel. Basically it's simply any color with white added. A color scheme using Tints is usually soft, youthful and soothing, especially the lighter versions. All tints work well in in feminine environments. You often see advertising, marketing and websites use pale and hot pastels if they are targeting women as a demographic. In painting you might save your lightest pastels for the focal point or use pastels for the entire painting
A Shade is simply any color with black added Most artists use black sparingly because it can quickly destroy your main color Shades are deep, powerful and mysterious. Be careful not to use too much black as it can get a little overpowering. These darks work well in a masculine environment. They are best used as dark accents in art and marketing graphics.
Almost every color we see in our day-to-day world has been toned either a little or a lot. A Tone is created by adding both White and Black which is grey. Any color that is "greyed down" is considered a Tone. Tones are somehow more pleasing to the eye. They are more complex, subtle and sophisticated.