Sexed Semen and Beef Cattle UW Extension Livestock Team Spring 2010
Sexed Semen for Beef Cattle New Technology Ability to Separate X and Y Sperm Researched in 1980’s Commercially available in 2004 Takes advantage of female sperm having 3.8% more DNA Slow Process since the it takes 3-4 times longer to process the semen (even at 60 mile/per hour rate) UW Extension Livestock Team
Sexed Semen for Beef Cattle UW Extension Livestock Team
Sexed Semen for Beef Cattle UW Extension Livestock Team
Sexed Semen for Beef Cattle UW Extension Livestock Team Results Ability to produce desired sex of calf with 90% accuracy AI Companies can package less sperm cells since the dead and abnormal cells are sorted off. Semen now commercially available
Sexed Semen for Beef Cattle UW Extension Livestock Team Application: First Used on Dairy-reduce number of bull calves- bulls worth $50 vs heifers valued at $350 Sex Choice depends on herd genetics and marketing programs Commercial herds want male calves from cows Seedstock herds want male calves for resale
Sexed Semen for Beef Cattle UW Extension Livestock Team Major Advantages for Breeding Heifers Heifer Calves are lighter than bull calves American Angus Association Heifer calves from 1 st calf heifers— Heifer calves from mature cows— American Simmental Association Heifer calves from 1 st calf heifers— 4.0 lbs less Heifer calves from mature cows— 4.9 lbs less Helps Reduce Calving Difficulty
Sexed Semen for Beef Cattle UW Extension Livestock Team Major Advantages for Commercial Cows Male calves Heavier at weaning Sell for $5-$10 per CWT more Increases lot size a big advantage when selling Heifer calves Replacements from your best cows Assure that you have enough heifer replacements
Sexed Semen for Beef Cattle UW Extension Livestock Team Major Advantages for Seedstock Herds Male calves More Bulls to Sell at Premium Prices Herd Owner can Adjust Numbers of Bulls Born Heifer calves Replacements from your best cows Assure that you have enough heifer replacements Marketing Advantage when selling bred heifers
Sexed Semen for Beef Cattle UW Extension Livestock Team Major Advantages for Seedstock Herds Male calves More Bulls to Sell at Premium Prices Herd Owner can Adjust Numbers of Bulls Born Heifer calves Replacements from your best cows Assure that you have enough heifer replacements Marketing Advantage when selling bred heifers
Sexed Semen for Beef Cattle UW Extension Livestock Team Major Points of Concern Conception rate 80-90% of normal semen Prices of semen is $20-$25 more per unit
Sexed Semen for Beef Cattle UW Extension Livestock Team Reports from Dairy Herds with Experience Using Sexed Semen* Heaviest use with Heifer Growers-63% vs 39% On a scale of 1-5 (5 Very Satisfied) the mean value was 3.87 for sex of calves born On a scale of 1-5 (5 Very Satisfied) the mean value was 3.1 for conception rate On a scale of 1-5 (5 Very Satisfied) the mean value was 3.09 for Sire Availability On a scale of 1-5 (5 Very Satisfied) the mean value was 2.92 for price of semen
Sexed Semen for Beef Cattle UW Extension Livestock Team Reports from Dairy Herds with Experience Using Sexed Semen* Heaviest use with Heifer Growers-63% vs 39% On a scale of 1-5 (5 Very Satisfied) the mean value was 3.87 for sex of calves born On a scale of 1-5 (5 Very Satisfied) the mean value was 3.1 for conception rate On a scale of 1-5 (5 Very Satisfied) the mean value was 3.09 for Sire Availability On a scale of 1-5 (5 Very Satisfied) the mean value was 2.92 for price of semen * 347 Surveys in from Use of Sexed/Gender Baised Sem on Wisconsin Dairy Farms-Brusveen, Sterry, Weigel, and Fricke
Sexed Semen for Beef Cattle UW Extension Livestock Team Reports from Dairy Herds with Experience Using Sexed Semen* Reasons of Discontinuing Sex Semen 42% had reasons other than price 31% quit due to poor fertility * 347 Surveys in from Use of Sexed/Gender Baised Semen on Wisconsin Dairy Farms-Brusveen, Sterry, Weigel, and Fricke