Matt Quirk
Point at the center of an object’s weight distribution, where the force of gravity can be considered to act Stability depends on the location of the center of gravity
Baseball bat A baseball follows a smooth parabolic path Baseball bat does not, wobbles Point however stays on parbolic path even though rest of bat does not Motion of bat is sum of two motions: a spin around the point Movement through the air where all the weight is concentrated at one point. This is the center of gravity.
Center of gravity of an object is the point located at the object’s average position of weight On a baseball bat, more weight at one end than the other – heavier end Objects made out of different materials have a different center of gravity Ex. Baton – heavier on one side
Why is the Center of Gravity of a baseball bat not at its midpoint?
A baseball bat is heavier at one end than the other so therefore, the center of gravity will be closer to one end of the baseball bat.