TELPAS Results 2014
New standards were set for grades 2–12 TELPAS reading in August Standards were adjusted to meet the new definition of grade level-appropriate that accompanies the increased rigor of STAAR. Because the rating rubrics for the listening, speaking, and writing domains are used to evaluate how students address grade- appropriate tasks, these rubrics were not required to change. TELPAS Standards Review
Domain Weights and Composite Scores Based on feedback from educators, second language acquisition experts, and TELPAS audit results, TEA revised the domain weights and composite score calculations.
New standards will be applied to grades 2–12 TELPAS reading scores beginning with the 2014 administration. The new domain weights and composite score calculations also go into effect beginning with the spring 2014 administration. Due to the fact that the reading domain is weighted heavier in composite proficiency level calculations, districts may see slight shifts in composite scores for students. TELPAS Changes
Interpreting TELPAS Results Districts received scores in early May-show how students performed on TELPAS with 2014 new cut scores for reading grades 2-12 and new domain weights. Percentages may look different from last year because of the use of two different rates of calculations Pearson will recalculate the 2013 results with 2014 domain weights and cut scores for reading for grades New student data files will be sent to districts at the end of the school year in order to be able calculate progress. This is for information purposes.
Interpreting TELPAS Results No reports will be rerun for the state level such as district level reports but districts can calculate their own if they chose to do so. No official date for the release of the new data files.
Trish Flores, Bilingual/ESL Project Coordinator