Kick off a new year with a look ahead. ◦ Share information on 2013 scheduled software releases. ◦ Brief look at research and development plans extending past Get opinions on possible enhancements.
Roadway Design Bulletin Design Standards, Index 430 "Crash Cushion Details“ Requires an update to the summary box for Permanent Crash Cushions An update is available on our Communities site at: _cadd_support/m/fdot2010_post_mr3_updates/ aspx Poll: Do you find our Bentley Communities site helpful?
Webinars ◦ Submit topic requests to: Design Training Expo Spring FLUG - Cape Canaveral - June Fall FLUG – Tampa – December
Maintenance Release 4 for FDOT2010 will be available in late January. ◦ Contains mainly bug fixes ◦ Enhancement – Linked Data Manager (LDM) ◦ Possible Enhancement – New “Heavy” font ◦ Possible Enhancement – Application usage reports Poll: Would you find the addition of a heavier font useful?
LDM is an application that can be used to link spreadsheets, ASCII text documents, and CSV files in MicroStation design files. LDM Webinar on
On of the more difficult parts of developing the FDOT workspace is managing resources. ◦ Prioritize maintenance of existing applications ◦ Identify under utilized tools Reduce expenditures Investigate reason for low usage ◦ Identify most utilized tools Define training needs Support staffing Maintenance \ Modification impacts Cad Pilot can tabulate how many times each application is run. ECSO could then review utilization statistics. Poll: Would you be willing to share your utilization reports?
Our first Civil 3D based workspace, FDOT2012.C3D, should be released early 2 nd quarter We will request that at least 5 new projects start using Civil 3D in 2013 Project Managers choice as to platform used Support for both platforms will continue
A significant update to the CADD Production Criteria Handbook (CPCH) should be released early 2 nd quarter of ◦ Streamlined Electronic Delivery ◦ Digital Signature ◦ Autodesk language added
Deliver the CADD Files Empty directories can be deleted Composite PDFs ◦ Eliminated need to sign / seal sheet image plot files of every single sheet Signing and Sealing can be done electronically with PEDDS or Digital Signature Each FPID of a strung project is a separate set of delivered data under its own directory
FDOTSS2 is a replacement for FDOT2010. The primary goal is to update versions of MicroStation\GEOPAK or PowerGEOPAK. Based on next GEOPAK Select Series (SS) 2 Refresh. FDOT will use new PowerGEOPAK based on MicroStation SS 3 and GEOPAK SS 2 Refresh. May Include: ◦ New Custom Linestyles ◦ Annotation Scale
New development for FDOT2012.C3D will end February 15 th and conversion to the Civil 3D 2013\14 version will begin. Potential July release of 2013\14 version.
It’s likely that incentives (Federal MAP21 and Everyday Counts) for 3D design is forthcoming. We will request that beginning in January 2014, all new projects begin using 3D design as the foundation for the plans for projects that can benefit from 3D modeling Poll: Have you started to utilize 3D design techniques (GEOPAK Corridor Modeling or Civil 3D)?
FDOTSS3 is being developed to support an upcoming GEOPAK SS 3 release. Major overhaul of FDOT workspace is required. ◦ Annotation Scale ◦ Element Templates ◦ Civil Features ◦ Project Explorer ◦ Design Standards ◦ Civil Geometry ◦ Civil Accudraw ◦ Civil Cells ◦ New Workflows ◦ New Training Manuals
Formation of a Consultant Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is being considered ◦ Multi discipline ◦ Meet (GoToMeeting) at least quarterly ◦ Occasional send questions via ◦ Provide input on direction and development ◦ Report issues relating to consultant environment Those interested please send an to stating interest
ProjectWise Subsurface Utility Design and Analysis (SUDA) Bentley Map Windows 8 Mobile / Cloud based computing
It’s going to be a very busy year. ◦ January - FDOT2010 MR4 ◦ April – CPCH Update, FDOT2012.C3D, Streamlined Electronic Delivery ◦ July – FDOTSS2, FDOT2014.C3D 3D Design!!! Soon to be required. Get a head start. FDOTSS3 Questions?