Chapter 9: Au Téléphone
-re verbs Les expressions figées Les adverbes Le passé composé Le tableau blanc ?
A100 What are the endings for –re verb conjugation? -s -ons -s -ez X -ent
A200 How is an –re verb conjugated? Remove the –re and add the endings
A300 How to we form the past participle of an –re verb. HINT: M. Frankel thinks this is hilarious. :P Remove the –re and add u
A400 What do the following verbs mean: Vendre, répondre, attendre, prendre, perdre To sell, to respond, to wait for, to take, to lose
A500 Translate: We are waiting for our friends Nous attendons nos amis
B100 What did you do yesterday? Quest-ce que tu as fait hier?
B200 It was horrible Cétait épouvantable
B300 Oh, not bad Oh, pas mauvais
B400 Who is on the phone? Qui est à lappareil?
B500 Can you tell him/her that I called? Vous pouvez lui dire que jai téléphoné?
C100 Translate: well bien
C200 Translate: badly mal
C300 I already saw Jai déjà vu
C400 I ate too much Jai trop mangé
C500 I didnt read the book yet Je nai pas encore lu le livre
D100 Le passé composé is made out of what three parts of speech? Subject + helping verb + past participle
D200 Most verbs are conjugated with which helping verb in the passé composé? avoir
D300 Which verb is conjugated with etre? aller
D400 How is the past participle of an –ir verb formed? Drop the –ir and add an i
D500 He lost his dog. Il a perdu son chien.
E100 I looked for my homework. Jai cherché mes devoirs.
E200 I already ate at my house. Jai déjà mangé chez moi.
D300 You sold your bike. Tu as vendu ton vélo.
D400 They (4 girls) went to the mall. Elles sont allées au centre commercial.
D500 We talked a lot. Nous avons beaucoup parlé.
E100 Comment dit-on to win? Gagner
E200 Comment dit-onCan you call back later? Vous pouvez rappeler plus tard?
F300 Please put the following words in order. Ensuite, Enfin, Après, Dabord
F400 May I leave a message? Je peux laisser un message?
F500 Is Madame Tetreault there, please? Est-ce que Madame Tetreault est là, sil vous plait?