Spokane Community College Film critique
Overview CXR Anatomy -Lungs - Heart -Cervical & Thoracic Spines - Ribs - Upright PA -Upright Lateral Anatomy -Lungs - Heart -Cervical & Thoracic Spines - Ribs - Shoulder girdle - Sternum
PA Upright Chest
Upright Why Upright? Supine Blunting of Costophrenic Angle Normal Costophrenic Angle
7 points to a good chest x-ray Evaluation criteria 1. Both apices on the film 2. Check clavicles for rotation 3. Scapulas up and out of the way 4. Can you see the spine thru the heart 5. Can see 8-10 ribs above the diaphragm 6. Check diaphragm for motion 7. Both costophrenic angles on
#5 #1 PA Chest #2 #2 #3 #3 #4 #6 #7
PA Chest Center to T-6 Check trachea, is it over the spine (rotation) One to two inches of lung apex should show above the clavicles Same distance on both sides between ribs and edge of film Same distance from spine to lateral border of the ribs on both sides (rotation) A small amount of the heart should be seen on the right side of the spine *** Remember CR needs to be horizontal or parallel to the floor to show air-fluid levels.
Common problems Artifacts Rotation Crosswise or lengthwise Leaning into the board or leaning back from the board Deep breath in Scapulas out of lung field Tube angle (just say no!!)
Left Lateral Chest
Lateral Chest Left lateral CR to T-6 Ribs superimposed Arms out of field Sternum lateral Costophrenic angles and apices on Hilum in the center of the image Thoracic intervertebral spaces should be open Exposure penetrate heart with overexposure of lungs
Upright Left Lateral Chest
Common problems Rotation Breathing Arms out of lung field Leaning into or away from wall bucky
Left lateral Chest Rotation
Left Lateral Peds Chest M Left Lateral Peds Chest Motion
How to read a CXR 1. Check patient name, position, technical quality 2. Soft tissue including breast, chest wall, companion shadow 3. Review soft tissues and skeletal structures of shoulder girdles and chest wall 4. Review abdomen for bowel gas, organs 5. Review soft tissues and spine of neck 6. review spine and rib cage: check alignment, disc space narrowing, lytic or blastic areas 7. Review Mediastinum: -Overall size and shape -Trachea: position - Margins: SVC, ascending aorta, right atrium, left subclavian artery aortic arch, main pulmonary artery, left ventricle - Lines and stripes: paratracheal,paraspinal, paraesophageal paraaortic -Retrosternal clear space 8. Review hila: -Normal size -Normal relationships 9. Review lungs and pleura: -Compare lung size -Evaluate pulmonary vascular pattern: compare upper to lower lobe, RT to LT, normal tapering to periphery -Pulmonary parenchyma - Pleural surfaces: fissures, major & minor (if seen) compare hemidiaphragms,follow pleura around rib cage
Supine Chest
PA Chest
Upright Chest
Upright PA Peds Chest Upright Left lateral Peds Chest
Left Lateral Chest
Motion Left Lateral Chest
Left Lateral Chest ?
The heart is on what side? Upright PA Chest
AP Upright Chest
Is this the left side?
Air/fluid levels ***Remember the CR needs to be horizontal or parallel to the floor to show air-fluid levels
PA Upright Chest Clavicles
Please just sit the patient up more!!! No tube angle! How can we see air fluid levels!!!