Rudimentary Movements n First forms of voluntary movement n Sequential, predictable, universal
n Related to increased motor control and movement
Categories of Rudimentary Skills n Stability
Head Control n End of 1 st month: –conscious control over head & neck visible –5 months- muscular control of head =good
Body Control n 2 months= head and chest elevation –After chest elev. Attempts at rolling –6 months - rolling leads to crawling
n Rolling - first attempts are “rigid” –then segmental-head, shoulders, trunk, hips –8 months - rolls front to back/back to front
Upright postures n Frees hands for reaching, grasping n Sitting: –as early as 3 mo.- assisted –5 mo. -with little support
n May still lean forward due to lumbar control n 7 months - self supported position n 8 months - without assistance
STANDING n Standing postures
–Infant needs support –Has wide base of support –High guard position –by 1 yr = standing unassisted
Locomotion n Locomotion
Prone Locomotion n Crawling(around 6 mo) –before creeping –child “drags” body – Homolateral pattern- “commando crawl” –less mature
n Creeping – around mo. –Efficient movement –arms/legs move in opposition –Trunk raised off floor
n Upright locomotion –walking - end product of movement progressions –as early as 8 months –at 10 months with less support/ 12 mo. - alone
Manipulation Manipulation n Manipulation
n Reaching, grasping, releasing
–Around 5 to 6 months wrist, finger, hand control increased –18 mo. May release objects
Early Movement/Cognitive Programs
Effects of Programs n Why are more parents participating in early movement/ enrichment programs? n Can there be negative aspects to such programs?
n What role does socioeconomic status have to do with participation?
Head Start n What do you know about Head Start? n Johnson Administration n Focus is for financially disadvantaged n Poverty is cyclic n Comprehensive Program(B-5)
Focus of Head Start n Increasing school readiness n Nurture n Parents/ Medical n Diversity
Swimming Programs n What reasoning might some parents have in enrolling their infants in such a program? n Findings are conflicting
n Benefits: n Controversial Aspects:
n Problems with Swim Programs –Health related issues
Stimulation Programs For At-risk Infants n Infant connecting with parents n Developing the total child pays n Nurturing environments help kids n Long term programs are beneficial