Employee & Employer Communication The key to a successful career & life Communication - The imparting, conveying or exchange of ideas, knowledge, information, or attitudes
Good Verbal communication Voice fluctuation, not monotone Speed or rate, how fast you talk Clarity and articulation
Effective Communication Cooperation Honest listening Clear Instructions Respect for one another Clarifying questions Proper feedback Openness to divergent opinions
Good Listening Good eye contact Being interested Not interrupting Not Talking! Open your ears! Repeating or Paraphrasing back to others
Non- verbal communication What does your body language and actions tell your employer?
Good Non- Verbal Communication Smiling and making eye contact Being neat and clean Nodding head in agreement Listening to the employer/employee Approaching the employer/employee Standing upright and acting interested
Non-Verbal Communication Continued… PPPPutting down other things to assist others BBBBeing friendly WWWWelcoming body language SSSStanding upright and acting interested
Poor Non-Verbal Communication Standing with arms folded Having a slumped/leaning posture Talking on the phone when the employer needs you Not giving direct contact Ignoring
3 Types of Communication Speaking Listening Non-verbal (body language )
Techniques to improve communication Smiling and making eye contact Being neat and clean Nodding head in agreement Listening to the employer/employee Approaching the employer/employee Standing upright and acting interested