Base Assembly BASE File off raised tabs on each side of Servo. Place Servo in vice between Fibre Clamps. Raised Tabs Repeat process for other 2 servo’s
Base Assembly File slot on base to size so that servo fits in tightly. Turn Servo so that Spindle is nearest to semi-circular end. M4 Set Screws
Base Assembly M4 Nuts used to secure servo in position
Feet Thread one end of each of the 5 legs M5 5 Legs M5 Set screws used to secure 5 legs.
Circular Disc Assembly Select the attachment shown from the servo pack and attach to circular disk as shown. Use screws supplied with servo to attach it to disc. Watch the position of this hole *
Vertical Up-Right Vertical Upright positioned as shown and glued using Liquid Solvent Cement. Important: Upright fitted so that it is flush with underside of disc. Do not attach to base until instructed! Hole on this side
Stabilising the base Using an M4 x 20 and two M4 nuts, one of the nuts to be placed above disc and the other below 4 stabilising set screws and nuts in place
Fitting Servo to Up-Right 2 M4 screws and nuts used to fix servo to Vertical Up-Right.
Notch facing towards back Horizontal Arm Hole at top of Arm
Gripper M2 screw and Locknut to secure Gripper pivot in place.
Gripper Glue both parts together. Be careful not to glue pivot point! Narrow side to the top Locknut
Back Servo Motor assembly Spindle of servo facing back of robot M3 x 20 Set screw used with 2 nuts, one nut in front and one behind M4 x 10 Set screw and nut
Assemble of Circular Disc onto Base Position Base as shown NB: Rotate Spindle of Servo Motor fully clockwise until it stops rotating. Attach disk and Up-right to servo as shown. Vertical upright should be Parallel to Back edge of base.
Secure Disc to Servo Use Servo Screw supplied to secure Disc to Servo. Do not over tigthen. Adjust stabilising screws accordingly
Top Servo Assembly Position Servo in slot as shown, with Servo spindle at the top. Secure with two M4 x 12 set screws and nuts. Spindle
Top Arm Assembly Fit top arm onto servo spindle but do not secure with screw until after calibration.
Servo Attachment Press fit servo attachment to servo motor but do not secure with screw until after calibration
2.5 mm Brass Rod Using a pliers bend an 90 degree angle on the end of the rod approx. 6 mm long. Remove burrs using a file
Brass Rod Assembly Insert brass rod through Servo attachment as shown. Do not cut the other end of rod until after calibration.
Genie Board Connections Base servo connected to Q0 Arm servo connected to Q1 Gripper servo connected to Q2 Orange/Yellow wire connected to signal in each case
Genie Board Connections Connect Genie Cable to Board and computer. Power up Genie Board with 6v battery and crocodile clips as shown. + -
Calibrating Horizontal arm Write the following program to position servo. Remove arm from servo. Run program live. Position arm so that it is just 10 mm above table. Press fit on servo spindle and secure with screw supplied.
Calibrating Gripper Movement Write the following program to position servo. Run program live. Position servo attachment so that one leg is at the 12 o Clock position. Press fit on servo spindle and secure with screw supplied.
Calibrating Gripper Movement Fit Brass rod through top hole as before. Close gripper fully and mark position of hole on brass rod using marker. Bend through 90 degree. Cut rod so that 3 mm of the bend is remaining. Remove burrs NB. This 90 degree bend is in a different direction to previous bend.
Elastic Band Attach elastic band as shown feed through hole in base and secure using a piece of Diameter 2.5 mm rod. Remove burrs The elastic band prevents the arm from jerking as it is moving.
Finishing Completed Robot Attach rubber adhesive feet onto 5 legs as shown.
Wiring of Hand Controller Knot on cable to prevent wires from breaking off. A0 Gripper A1 A2 Base Arm
Congratulations You now have a 3 axis Robot Arm ready for programming!