How far from a converging mirror should I put an object if the mirror has a radius of curvature of 1 meter and I want the image to be the same size as the object? A : less than 0.25 m B : 0.25 m to 0.75 m C : 0.75 m to 1.25 m D : 1.25 m to 3 m E : more than 3 m
I look at my image in a round Christmas ornament. Which of the following will be true? A : The image will be upright (not inverted) and real. B : The image will be upright and virtual. C : The image will be inverted and real. D : The image will be inverted and virtual. E : The ornament will shatter.
Imaging through a Surface
Looking Into a Lake θ1θ1 θ2θ2 w p n 1 sin(θ 1 )=n 2 sin(θ 2 ) n1 θ1~n2 θ2n1 θ1~n2 θ2 θ 1 ~ w / p -q-q θ 2 ~ -w / q n 1 / p ~ - n 2 / q q = - p n 2 / n 1
Imaging Through Curved Glass θ2θ2 β α γ θ1θ1 α β β γ
A lens is just two surfaces
f f
f f
f f
Group question: Which of the following describes the image for a thin converging lens that forms whenever the magnitude of the object distance is less than that of the lens' focal length? A. Real and upright B. Real and inverted C. Virtual and upright D. Virtual and inverted
ETHICS VS. MORALS What is the difference between being polite and being kind? What is the difference between being polite and being kind?
Playing with optics...
Discussion Question: A lens is used to image an object onto a screen. If the right half of the object is covered, A. The left half of the image disappears. B. The right half of the image disappears. C. The entire image disappears. D. The image becomes blurred. E. The image becomes fainter.
Group question: Which of the following describes the image for a thin diverging lens that forms whenever the magnitude of the object distance is less than that of the lens' focal length? 1. Real and upright 2. Real and inverted 3. Virtual and upright 4. Virtual and inverted
When can a diverging lens make a real image?
Assuming the two lenses are made of the same material, which will have a larger f? A B C – they are the same
If the lens had a lower index of refraction, the image be A.Larger, further away B.Smaller, further away C.Larger, closer D.Smaller, closer E. No change