Update your table of contents Keyboarding Basics 9
Touch Typing- typing without using the sense of sight to find the keys. Key location is known through muscle memory Touch typists use the home row method
Posture teaches you correct body and hand position Good posture is important to avoid strain or injury
Body is not centered Shoulders not relaxed Not sitting upright knees not square Head is down Feet not flat on the floor
Center your body between G& H Fingers are curled and upright Fingers rest on home row
Order# Keep your head up and eyes on the screen
Order# Lean slightly forward Relax shoulders Keep wrists parallel to keyboard
Order# Keep feet flat on floor Keep knees square
Order# Strike each key with a light tap, snapping the fingertip toward the palm of the hand.
Team up with partner One student places a penny on each hand of their partner. The penny is placed in the middle between students wrist and first knuckle. Now, type! If the penny doesn’t fall off - you have excellent techniques