Fire safety is an important business. You need to take proper precaution in order to prevent a fire. Yes, fire may be inevitable but if prepared, you can save lives, much suffering and a great deal of property. Remember it is easy to prevent a fire but difficult to repair the damages! Be prepared for a fire! My Life Monday
How fires start? Heat Oxygen Fuel Fire Fire needs three elements to occur: Oxygen- fire usually requires 16 % oxygen. Fuel- can be any combustible material-solid, liquid or gas. Heat- is the energy that increases the temperature high enough for ignition to occur.
Types of fire Class A- consists of ordinary combustibles or fabric such as paper, wood, cloth and plastic. Class B- consists of flammable or combustible liquids such as gasoline, kerosene, paint etc. Class C- consists of energy electrical equipment such as appliances, switches, panel boxes & power tools. Class D- consists of certain combustible metals, such as magnesium and potassium. These metals burn at high temperature leading to combustion. Each type of fire requires a particular fire extinguisher. Before pulling the trigger, make sure you have the right one and that you know how to use it.
To operate a fire extinguisher.. Pull the pin. Aim the extinguisher nozzle at the base of the flames. Squeeze the trigger while holding the extinguisher upright. Sweep the extinguisher from side to side.
Time is the biggest enemy and every second counts, so escape as soon as you can. Keep your work area clean. Chemical & flammable liquids should be carefully stored in approved containers according to the manufacture's instructions. Make sure wires, cords and machinery are in good shape and not overloaded. Never strike a match, lighter or smoke in areas that can can initiate a fire. Do so only in designated areas. In the event of a fire and in case you are trapped in room full of smoke, stay close to the floor where the air is less toxic. Ensure your smoke detectors and sprinklers are working. Arrange for some to be installed in your homes. Here are some safe practices
Keep exits free of obstacles to escape easily. Make sure the exits are marked with proper signs. Never attempt to put out a fire too large to handle. Be aware of potential dangers like gas leaks, hazardous chemicals or oil. Get familiar with your company’s evacuation plan and make sure you know where the fire extinguishers are stored. When evacuating, always use the stairs and not the elevators. Once outside, get to the meeting point which is mentioned in your evacuation plan. Don’t return to the building for any reason not even for your personal belongings; it may cost your life. If your clothing catches on fire, don’t run. Stop, drop to the floor and roll. This will reduce the fire. Here are some safe practices